Wahkonta Anathema's Articles » Page 7
February 3, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
I am sitting in my living room watching the tellie last night and today, and heard of the ricin mailing to the Republican leader. I heard him say it was ricin. I heard him describe the contents he saw as a 'white powder'. Now this thought has been bugging me all day, and I hope it develops to have a reasonable explanation: How did he know it was ricin and not anthrax? Before it was even tested he knew it was ricin. How did he know? Any information to explain this is greatly appreciated.
February 3, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
The most famous incident of U.F.O. sighting is the one at Roswell in 1947. We have not had the benefit of historical context to judge it for the most part. The movies on the 'crash' at Roswell and controversial recollections of witnesses, has caused not a little doubt of its veracity. Now there is a new development which may turn the tables on the 'anti' school. There is a audio tape alleging to be a recording of a news broadcast by the famous, Taylor Grant of, 'Headline Edition' that has s...
February 3, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
In response to the popular blog on atheism, here's one of an atheist who found out he was wrong to believe only what was before his seeing eyes while awake. I don't get upset at atheists, or the lowly fence-sitting agnostics, I pity them. God just doesn't choose for some to be wise and so refuses to give them spiritual insight into the true self - their own eternal soul. Lucky for this guy, God saw fit to show him the error of his ways and he is now trying to speak out for other atheists to a...
February 3, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
EXCERPT BEGINS Drugging America To Death By Lynne Born International Socialist Review Issue 33, January-February 2004 2-2-4 Lynne Born is a longtime alternative health care activist, writer and independent medical researcher. The Bush administration's policies in the "war on terror" are substantially enriching the pharmaceutical corporations while subjecting the public to dangerously explosive consequences. The pharmaceutical industry spent over $262 million to bring George W. B...
February 3, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
From: Frosty Wooldridge with information source from: Source: Heather MacDonald, City Journal, published by the Manhattan Institute, January 15, 2004, THE ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIME WAVE. Frosty is putting together a book for Americans to document the crimes and their experiences with illegal immigration. This is still just the beginning folks. When you hear the sound of gunfire, we'll be getting close to the real issue caused by Bush on this one. Think he might have known this when he did it? Maybe...
February 2, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
You may remember my saying I saw violence and genocide in Iraq as inevitable. I found out of deals between Kurds who kidnapped Sadam and then held him until the U.S. agreed to let them have political power (forget the 25 million reward). I saw this as side-taking by U.S. and the intentional use of this to cause further de-stabilization of Iraq while they drew off the resources of the country and attrited the population by means of genocide and weapons supplying. It is logical reason the Admini...
February 2, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
For those not aware we have a Democratic Socialist elected and representing a area of Vermont, here is a adaptation of a speech he made for you to read. It goes deeper than the labels some apply to stop you from reading his views. I don't mind telling you I despise the U.N. and am a vocal opponent of any form of centralized power, so don't agree with all he says, but it is worth reading to be informed. Next time someone says what's Sanders position as a Socialist, you won't have to just say, "C...
February 2, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is a bookmark all of us should have. Just click on the link and you'll see how to do you're own news releases and other public announcements in your own Town, City, State, Country. I have some ongoing matters which the adverse Party wants covered up. Guess what's gonna happen? You can do the same thing if you are ever in such a postion. One of the things I stress in my civil actions is the need for Citizens to make Government and Responsible Parties ACCOUNTABLE. All my life, I'...
February 2, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
http://www.oilempire.us/drugs.html, has a copy of this article on its web page. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog on. EXCERPT BEGINS US Government Admits - Afghan Production of Heroin is Up, Now That "We" Are In Control http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/11/28/afghanistan.drugs.reut/index.html U.S. : Afghan poppy production doubles Friday, November 28, 2003 Posted: 1:34 PM EST (1834 GMT) WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Poppy cultivation in Afghanistan doubled betwee...
February 1, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Just a reminder of what was said and when, before it is spun and someone tries to change history. EXCERPT BEGINS In His Own Words - Bush On Saddam's WMD The Virginian-Pilot 2-1-4 "States like these (Iraq, Iran, North Korea) ... constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons." - President George W. Bush, State of the Union Addr...
February 1, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Some news not generally available to through the 'controlled-media'. good to know the type of allies America keeps today. Hmmm, I wonder if there might be a relation between, the terrorist attacks and hatred for America, and our alliance with Zionists who do such things as cited here. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@grffiti.net Blog ON. EXCERPT BEGINS Conal Urquhart reports from Nablus on what the army says was an anti-terrorist operation, but witnesses describe as cold-blooded ki...
February 1, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
As he moves into the spotlight, Sen. John Kerry is bringing his hidden baggage with him. Here we learn he was involved in covering up or suppressing the peaceful intentions of Libya for over 10 years to maintain the status quo and allow its' exploitation. Remember when they are talking about the 'Russell Trust' they are speaking of the 'Skull&Bones' fraternity that both Bush and Kerry are members of. This fraternity is also known as the 'Opium Trust' given their long history of piracy and dru...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
More effects of the Bush Immigration Plan. It says, "The White House had better start listening to the people and re-thinking its position, because a lot of Republicans are saying Bush will not get their vote as things currently stand." And you Democrats thought this re-election thing was a done deal. It's only February too. Watch as he does the 'Bush dive', first made famous by his Dad. Feel free to comment or e-mail:wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog ON. EXCERPT BEGINS Arizona GOP Defies Bus...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
EXCERPT BEGINS Michael Savage N.Y. Times ad assails Bush Opposes 'amnesty' plan: 'It's going to be a grass-roots revolution' Posted: January 27, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com After calling for the impeachment of President Bush over plans to legalize millions of illegal aliens, talk-radio star Michael Savage has taken out a full-page ad in the New York Times declaring millions of Americans support his view. The ad features his new best-selling book, "The Enemy Wit...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Progress being made by this test. This is for those who study on origin of the NWO attempt done this generation. There were evidences of its coming right in the very accounting columns we were given. I recall when this happened and it was a wait and see thing, but has come to pass as did most all of what Grugyn spoke of. From his text: "The Last Chuckle...: An Historical Perspective on the New World Order" 1992.EXCERPT BEGINS New Page 1 G.D.P.? Did you just feel the earth move?  I ...