Wahkonta Anathema's Articles » Page 8
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
For archive under Zionists. Note the source as a strong anti- site. check out the link as to,Asher Karni. EXCERPT BEGINS On 01/28/04, Asher Karni was released to the custody of the Hebrew Sheltering Home in Silver Spring, MD, under the supervision of Rabbi Herzel Kranz. Kranz is the Executive Director of the Mid Atlantic Orthodox Rabbis. Karni is awaiting trial for smuggling nuclear weapon triggers to Pakistan and was arrested on New Year's Day in Denver. The Hebrew Sheltering Home is sup...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
For Archive under Perle, et al. EXCERPT BEGINS January 30, 2004 Perle Must Resign Or be firedâ. by Justin Raimondo At Antiwar.com â we get results. When Richard Perle, high-visibility neocon and co-author of a recent book that faults the Bush administration for being soft on terrorism, spoke at a rally associated with the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian terrorist group once allied with Saddam Hussein, the "mainstream" media was nowhere to be seen. The music-oriented event, ...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Since we are going to become more familiar with military Justice in the coming years, you may want to read this. I do not know facts of case, do not know any party in volved. I do think this case should be known if it is as stated here. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net EXCERPT BEGINS Forget the Bill of Rights and civilian concepts of a justice system, including the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) was designed and...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
While I too am opposed to forced vaccination, this case is possibly being mis-represented. The ruling of the Judge was, to my knowledge only as to claims raised, which were by 6 serviecemen and women. The ruling does properly apply to them. It may not, given its role in the Federal judicial scheme of things allow him to make a ruling as to ANY Service person not a Party to the action. The fault for this 'escape clause' most likely lies witht the Attroneys representing the case for the Plaint...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
It's the economy. That is the issue and Democrats have got to come up with a plan to expose this 'fiscal Conservative' Republican and give America an alternative. Who has one? I want to learn who among the Dem. Candidates has a economic plan that is better than Bush's. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog on. EXCERPT BEGINS About 2 Million to Use Up Jobless Benefits Jan 29, 12:34 PM (ET) By LEIGH STROPE WASHINGTON (AP) - Nearly 2 million people are expe...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Another article on Sen. John Kerry. This one on his brother's law firm in relation to his Campaign contributors. EXCERPT BEGINS The Zlatkin Letter Commentary by Chuck Zlatkin He's John Kerry, He's my brother When researching who the hell Mintz et.al was, when I saw them number one on the top ten list of John Kerry’s contributors, I was struck by its client list dominated by pharmaceutical and bio-genetics firm. What I missed was the most obvious connection. It was pointed out to me by...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
For archive on OKC. Hanmer was on death row with McVeigh and this discusses a Kenny Trentadue AKA Guthrie, or suspect #2. EXCERPT BEGINS Does one man on death row hold the secret of Oklahoma? One of the most notorious criminals in the US, David Hammer was imprisoned alongside Timothy McVeigh. As he faces execution, his memoirs will only fuel the whispers of conspiracy around the 1995 bombing. Andrew Gumbel reports 29 January 2004 If he had only his own tale to tell, the story of David ...
January 31, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
More on the developing John Kerry Campaign being exposed. There are 5 different article posts here. Caveat Lector EXCERPTs BEGIN 1.) http://www.sitbot.net/re/AmBushedIn2000Rogers This is new about Charles Kane, who seemed to be the one directing operations of a group of Republicans flown in from Washington, staying in five-star hotels, acting each day on anonymous orders slipped under their doors during the night, culminating in storming and illegally occupying a vote counting statio...
January 30, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
ARTICLE EXCERPT BEGINS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration issued a veto threat Thursday against legislation introduced in Congress that would scale back key parts of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act. In a letter to Senate leaders, Attorney General John Ashcroft said the changes contemplated by the Security and Freedom Ensured Act, or SAFE, would "undermine our ongoing campaign to detect and prevent catastrophic terrorist attacks." If the bill reaches President Bush's desk in its cur...
January 30, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is a strange event. I always found Edgar Cayce's abilities to be questionable given the many ways that he could hve faked or contived the diagnoses he gave. What really made me suspicious was when his Atlantean prophecy fell through. This young girl could be a fake, but also may be providing a new way to develop a section of the brain to affect our vision in ways we never thought of before. I'd be interested in any info anyone has on such a phenomenon. Feel free to comment or e-mail:...
January 30, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
I agree with you on the attraction of death to modern Americans. Understanding it, will liberate one from the paradigm. In his first text, grugyn' closes his book with a quotation of Titus Livius which speaks to this dying Empire of today. He wrote: "I hope my passion for Rome's past has not impaired my judgement; for I honestly believe that no country has ever been greater or purer than ours or richer in good citizens and noble deeds; none has been free for so many generations from the vice...
January 30, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
A reminder of why we should get out of Iraq NOW and not continue to let our troops die for a cause that is not our concern. Sadam is in custody, there are no WMD being launched on U.S. cities from their. This is bad policy and can only cause more American maiming and death to remain. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog On. EXCERPT BEGINS False Casualty Counts 29.01.2004 [12:42] Yesterday in Khaldiya, 60 miles west of Baghdad, a powerful roadside bomb exploded kil...
January 30, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Another perspective on the Overtime Bill, this time from AFL-CIO. This goes to my position that the Democrats are allowing Pete & Co. to control their process too much. I watched Jennings start the evening by discussing polls which show who the Candidate is. He would interrupt the applause for Candidates as soon as they finished speaking. In one early example, he immediately cut off Dean's applause to announce a commercial and what would be next on HIS list, silencing the voters reaction. The...
January 30, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
First of a couple I will put up as to this plan.This is as presented by Health care workers who will be affected. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog On. EXCERPT BEGINS DOL Proposal to Change Federal Overtime Rules The U.S. Department of Labor published proposed revisions to the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations in the Federal Register on March 31, 2003. The proposed changes would revise the exemptions to the FLSA, including its overtime protections and re...
January 29, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here is a good site for archived speeches and other statements by all Candidates for Democratic nomination for President of United States. Has many speeches going back to 2002, including blog entries by Candidates. I put up a blog of Dennis J. Kucinich as example. Feel free to comment, refer me information on other links or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog ON BLOG EXCERPT BEGINS Kucinich: Congress, NAFTA, & WTO Yesterday, Rob asked several questions: 1) It is almost certain that you wil...