Several Posts on Sen. Kerry
Published on February 1, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Politics
As he moves into the spotlight, Sen. John Kerry is bringing his hidden baggage with him. Here we learn he was involved in covering up or suppressing the peaceful intentions of Libya for over 10 years to maintain the status quo and allow its' exploitation. Remember when they are talking about the 'Russell Trust' they are speaking of the 'Skull&Bones' fraternity that both Bush and Kerry are members of. This fraternity is also known as the 'Opium Trust' given their long history of piracy and drug running which dates back to its founding in the 1830's (1820" actually). Go check out the size of the poppy crop going in Afghanistan today as opposed to before the invasion, you'll eventually come around to see things aright if you follow through on the research. It seemed crazy to me when first I heard the possibility government were involved in drugs too. We know it isn't being brought in by the kids with their pants hanging down around their knees though. Kerry is having some interesting accusations thrown out which Dean doesn't have to worry about, and I think there's more to come in the next couple months so stay tuned. Feel free to comment or e-mail: Blog ON.
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:43 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Kerry coverup Lockerbie guns drugs Re: Patriot Act Ruled Unconstitutional

Note that the week BEFORE Senator John Kerry started
winning primaries, the Washington Post reported as if a
letter posted from Libya in 1994 arrived in 2004, but
with blame diversion covering up for Kerry's ignoring
the letter which arrived to him in 1994 when Kerry was
chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee's
sub-committee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International

Please come back and read the above paragraph again after
you read the following about an October Surprise law
being declared unconstitutional!

Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:
A federal judge has declared
unconstitutional a portion of the USA Patriot Act that
bars giving expert advice or assistance to groups
designated foreign terrorist organizations.
Case in point--

In order to avoid over-reliance on Senator John Kerry
for coverup in yet another Russell Opium Trust (ROT)
scandal tracing back to Skull and Bones(drugs for guns,
guns for drugs), one of Washington's top lobbyists, William
C. Chasey was prevented by FBI and OFAC(Office of Foreign
Asset Control) from accepting US-sourced compensation for
hand-delivering letters from the Libyan government concerning
the two Libyan suspects in the Lockerbie bombing and Libyan
offers of renouncing terrorism and opening up to UN inspection
for WMD manufacture, quite important subjects for FBI and
OFAC to be censoring from the mail of the US Senate sub
committee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations.

Even though Chasey had a foreign agent license from the US
Department of Justice, his payment from a US corporation was
confiscated by OFAC and FBI defamed and harrassed Chasey
and his clients until Chasey's career and finances were destroyed.
Sound familiar?

The cue for federal agents to chop off Chasey at the
knees was apparently the following letter from Libyan
leader Gadafi's national security chief, Youssef El Debri,
to Senator Kerry, substantially the same in body text to
those hand delivered by Chasey to Senators Larry Pressler
and the Ranking Republican on the sub-committee of the
Foreign Relations committee, as well as furnished to
sub-committee chairman Senator John Kerry.

Literally what happened was another October Surprise,
in that this offer from Libya concerning UN WMD
inspections and renouncing terrorism was delayed
for exactly ten years until it was delivered publicly
last week, January 2004. The Patriot Act would kill
all such messengers as desired by warmongers, and
delay messages for an October Surprise effect. See
quoted following this 1994 Libyan letter to Kerry--

Senator John F. Kerry
Chairman of Subcommittee on
Terrorism, Narcotics and
International Operations

421 SROB

Washington DC 20035

October 28, 1992

Dear Senator Kerry,

The Secretariat of the Libyan People's Congress on behalf of the
Libyan people is pleased to address you with respect to a
prospect for improvement of bilateral relations between the
American and the Libyan people, as well as relations between the
US and the Libyan government.

It is the view of the Libyan Arab Jemaheriya that, as long as
contacts between our two nations are suspended and the means of
communication virtually non-existent, the specter of distrust
between our nations will never be far from the surface.
Separation can generate accusation and accusation may eventually
lead to conflict.

Such has been the atmosphere which has pervaded our countries'
relations for almost a decade.

In fact we neither wish nor desire such mistrust. On the contrary,
we honestly and seriously are seeking an opportunity to
dialogue and negotiate through your good offices of Foreign
Relations, a positive change toward better relations between our
peoples and nation based on mutual respect and understanding--a
new page in our history marked by good and honorable intentions.

It is in this spirit that we are willing to discuss and come to
an agreement on:

1) Libya's willingness to renounce all world terrorism;

2) Libya's willingness to pledge not to engage in anti-government
or destabilization tactics;

3) Libya's willingness to open its borders to United Nations
inspection teams in order to assure that weapons of mass
destruction are not being manufactured;

4) Libya's willingness to deliver its two citizens accused of the
Pan Am 103 disaster provided that an international acceptable
neutral country, will be used for the trial.

Libya further extends an invitation to you and your Committee on
Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations to visit Libya,
in your official capacity and to experience firsthand our recent
accomplishments. I will personally work with you through our
representative, Dr. William C. Chasey, to arrange this fact
finding mission. Hopefully we can meet face to face to plan your

These accomplishments are decisive proof that Libya has never
intended to threaten anyone and in particular your country, the
United States of America, whose great assistance in our fight for
independence we shall always remember.

It is our appreciation for your kindness, honesty and integrity
which has led us to extend this invitation. We are sure that what
you will witness in our country will prove to you that the moral
philosophy of our system is deeply rooted as well.

We are confident that you and your Committee will return with the
firm belief that the time has come to mend the sorrowful rift
between our two countries.

We initiate with this letter a dialogue for the road to better

Sincerely yours,

Youssef EL DEBRI
Head of Libyan National Security
Member of the Committee to resolve
the dispute of Lockerbie

letter page 74 Chasey's book
book expressing what OFAC-FBI prevented Chasey
from saying to Kerry as if the following law had
been in effect(similar to Lockerbie Skull and Bones
drugs guns coverup witness Les Coleman says about
Russell Opium Trust's coverup of its coverup of its ops )

Note WMD inspection and renouncing of terrorism offered
by Libya in the above letter in 1994, now compare this
October Surprise version of US-Libyan relations facilitated
by kill-the-messenger like Patriot Act--
Legislators Optimistic After Talks With Gaddafi

By Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 27, 2004; Page A14

In his first talks with U.S. legislators in almost four decades, Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi pledged yesterday to take additional steps, particularly on terrorism, to help normalize diplomatic relations with the United States.

Members of two congressional delegations said they came away from talks with Gaddafi in Tripoli, Libya's capital, encouraged by his willingness to work with the United States, another sign of the dramatic change in relations after a quarter-century of tension.

Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), who met with Gaddafi for more than 11/2 hours in an elaborate tent, said he planned to work with the White House and State Department to lay out a road map enabling Libya to get off the U.S. list of states that sponsor terrorism, begin to improve commercial and cultural contacts and, finally, restore diplomatic relations.

"I am very hopeful and optimistic that this truly historic change will come to fruition, probably in less than a year, allowing the two countries to reestablish embassies in their respective capitals," Lantos said in a telephone interview from Amsterdam after leaving Tripoli.

After secret talks with British and U.S. intelligence, the Libyan government pledged last month to open its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs to inspection in an attempt to end two decades of international isolation and some of the world's most punishing economic sanctions.

Lantos said U.S. weapons experts reported "total cooperation" from the Libyans in dismantling components of their programs to develop weapons of mass destruction. "They are very excited and energized about what is happening on the ground," he said.

Upon his return, Lantos said, he will recommend an immediate lifting of the ban on U.S. citizens traveling to Libya, which he said is an "appropriate" first step in response to the "gigantic step" Gaddafi has made.

The next big step, Lantos said, is developing a joint strategy for combating terrorism, which could serve as a basis for removing Libya from the State Department list. "They clearly have to -- in some form acceptable to the U.S. -- develop a working document on jointly fighting terrorism. Gaddafi's very much interested in fighting terrorism," Lantos added.

Libya has gradually improved its standing with the United States and other countries by turning over two government employees to be tried for the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am jetliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, and paying compensation to the families of victims. Gaddafi's government has also renounced terrorism and expelled radical leaders.

After speaking with Lantos, Gaddafi held talks with a congressional delegation led by Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.), who described the meeting as "an extremely positive two hours. . . . We discussed the hope that we will achieve normal relations soon."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told the Associated Press that the Libyan leader "expressed his regret that a quarter-century has passed of isolation between our countries."

The delegation, which also included Reps. Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Tex.), Candice S. Miller (R-Mich.), Mark Edward Souder (R-Ind.), Elton Gallegly (R-Calif.) and Rodney Alexander (D-La.), also visited the Tajura nuclear reactor, a 10-megawatt re
search facility east of Tripoli.

[please go to top of message to re-read first paragraph! -Bob]
EXCERPTS END More to come, you can bet on it.
on Mar 21, 2004
Title 18 USC section 4 federal crime reporting statute "new version" Numerous federal judges have been corrupted...Report federal crimes to FBI polygraphers.
on Mar 21, 2004
Re: Kerry coverup Lockerbie guns drugs...Robert Mueller coverup Lockerbie guns drugs.
Trust no one in the FBI except the FBI polygraphers.

Google and type in "Operation Ringwind"