Re: the ricin mail
Published on February 3, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Current Events
I am sitting in my living room watching the tellie last night and today, and heard of the ricin mailing to the Republican leader. I heard him say it was ricin. I heard him describe the contents he saw as a 'white powder'. Now this thought has been bugging me all day, and I hope it develops to have a reasonable explanation: How did he know it was ricin and not anthrax? Before it was even tested he knew it was ricin. How did he know? Any information to explain this is greatly appreciated.
on Feb 03, 2004
According to Reuters UK, just so there isn't any accusation that I am being biased, Bill Frist did a field test to determine it was Ricin. Field tests can give a false positive that is why he said he was "convinced" it was Ricin but it wasn't confirmed by the official labe test yet. Just semantics and common procedure. No conspiracy, sorry.
on Feb 03, 2004
Liberal nuts seem to think that there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" behind every little thing.
on Feb 03, 2004
JillUser: O.K. Thank you. I will go and check out Reuters UK. It does make sense they'd have lab tests in office to check since the scare, though I'd think they'd get the Rep. or Sen. out of the office before checking even.
Tech Cat: Who's liberal?