Wahkonta Anathema's Articles » Page 23
December 13, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here's one for you to mull over. I suspect this one will be found to have legs familiar to we researchers, when it all comes out in the rinse. Note the, " Hope this package gets to you O.K. We would hate to have this fall into the wrong hands.” which preceded the investigation. Standard stuff to those of us on the front page. Typical "white supremacist, and "anti-government" label to start it off, hmmm, let's see where this goes and what is being set-up. Of course it is also a story if real...
December 13, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
the reason I post such articles is because I am opposed to keeping our youth in harms way when there is no tactics, strategy or objective. For troops who were injured in combat to be denied a honor because some politicians want to hold down the public's awareness of the death and casualty count that is REALLY occuring, is un-acceptable, and that's without regard to eating turkey in Baghdad for four hours while thousands are stuck there with no right to even speak with the press. I respect the ...
December 13, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here's an update on the Vincent Foster case. While the article shows a Court dismissing the use of following investigations of this cover-up, the fact that a member of the President's staff was murdered in the parking lot of the White House is pretty relevant to me. For those who view this and want to learn more, here's some links for the Vincent Foster case: http://www.allanfavish.com/foster.htm http://www.fbicover-up.com http://www.prorev.com/Knwltn.htm http://www.swflink.net/~h...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is article I will be using to create a web page link list to accompany my blogs. The information I gleen in my research is various and goes places mainstream research does not usually go to. From looking at my blogs you'll see they cover a variety of topics, some of which may be of interest to you, others youmay not have thought of before. Please bookmark this blog and return as I will have quite a list up here before I'm done, but want to properly introduce each so as to make it easier ...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
ANOTHER UNUSUAL LINK FOR YOU TO VIEW; this one concerning the thesis of a hidden military coding system of our nations roadways and other relevant areas such as schools, hospitals, rest stops, etc. I am, with this post, going to begin to create abest links blog which I'll add to over time until you have just about every site which makes my list now as well as what I find along the way. The idea of these road markers is not at all new, having been discussed since the era of President Clint...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Well i sit back and look at the work done to date on this blog, and it looks pretty good, if I don't say so. I have succeeded in getting it down to number 23 ( I just checked, and it's actually number 20 with this posting) in just 5 or 6 days of work. I will begin to formalize the information into lists of links and subjects for you to peruse better. Eventually I'll get a web site and that will direct my energies, creating a new forum for you to post your links and follow this blog from. Thi...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
For those who try to deny it, here's an open letter requesting the military please stop trying to suppress information being reported from Iraq. I'm just the messenger in this folks, and trying to give you the facts and links to get the real story to you on many topics. The letter: Mr. Larry Di Rita Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs The Pentagon Dear Mr. Di Rita: We are writing to protest actions being taken by U.S. troops that appear intended to discourag...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is a link to a blog in Iraq. If you are a blogger, you may want to link to this so you get the day-by-day-, bomb-by-bomb account from inside the countr. The blog: Baghdad Burning ... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend... Friday, December 12, 2003 Meanwhile... We heard the latest statement from Washington about Germany, France, Russia and Canada not being allowed to have anything to do with the reconstruction. Iraq no longer fe...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This excerpt from the publication 'veritas' (truth) and is a major investigatory breakthrough in this field of research. How we have come to be 'voluntary' tax-payers is exposed clearly in this expose. I learned of this article from another web site which is devoted entirely to this issue and links to this article due to its in-depth research of previously un-known facts and it's relevant value. Please link to the page at bottom for full copy found at that site, and an exaustive body of other...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is another link to the site previously run by Bill Cooper, who died by gunshot wounds. It illustrates how he used history to explain current events. Without his work many would have never wondered at the attack at all, and adopted the government line as to the how's and why's of the attack. He is sorely missed. He let the facts fall where they may and ALWAYS CHALLENGED READERS AND LISTENERS TO NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY HEAR OR SEE BUT GO AND INVESTIGATE IT THEMSELVES SO THEY TOO WOULD ...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is from "Babel Magazine' and Victor Thorn;it puts forth a thesis as to how to empower those of us who are informed and thereby inform the masses of the real news which the mainstream media does not provide. He uses a number of his own newsgroup to illustrate that as much as some of us have learned by investigating news events, the chasm between us and the mass of citizens is far beyond what we think of it as being. It also shows you a reason why I maintain the information content in this...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is an excerpt from a 'New Yorker' article which covers some of the real tactical and strategic difficulties that have arisen from the American occupational regime, as it was envisioned by Israel. Seymour Hersh: 'Phoenix' arises in Iraq MOVING TARGETS by SEYMOUR M. HERSH Will the counter-insurgency plan in Iraq repeat the mistakes of Vietnam? Issue of 2003-12-15 Posted 2003-12-08 The Bush Administration has authorized a major escalation of the Special Forces covert war ...
December 11, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here's a satirical piece to take a momentary break from the serious issues and let you get ready for the next Blog-Blast (B.B.) I have for you to link to, bookmark, comment upon: 2035 Headlines http://dalesdesigns.net/2035.html Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, California. White minorities still trying to have English recognized as California's third language. Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States cro...
December 11, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here's a item from current headlines you may want to peruse. Just another one of my postings of relevant and timely news of lesser comment by the mainstream media.Kim Jong-Il goes underground Tuesday, December 9, 2003North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il has not been seen in public since Oct. 31, fueling concerns that the reclusive communist leader has gone into hiding. The last public reference to Kim was on Oct. 30, when the Korean Central Broadcasting Agency reported his meeting with a delegation ...
December 11, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Link to relevant news item and request for inclusion of a private researcer and victim of the 9/11 tragedy: -Caveat Lector- (Senate minority leader Daschle's contact info is near the bottom... Evan) URGE DASCHLE TO RESCUE THE CREDIBILITY OF THE 9/11 COMMISSION BY APPOINTING KRISTEN BREITWEISER TO REPLACE MAX CLELAND The 9/11 Independent Commission's inquiry into the greatest national defense disaster in American history is in trouble. A majority of members have been tarnished w...