To: Mr. Larry Di Rita
Published on December 12, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Politics
For those who try to deny it, here's an open letter requesting the military please stop trying to suppress information being reported from Iraq. I'm just the messenger in this folks, and trying to give you the facts and links to get the real story to you on many topics. The letter:

Mr. Larry Di Rita
Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
The Pentagon

Dear Mr. Di Rita:

We are writing to protest actions being taken by U.S. troops that appear intended to discourage journalists from covering the continued military action in Iraq. During the past three months, journalists have been harassed, have had their lives endangered and have had digital camera disks, videotape and other equipment confiscated.

These actions are unacceptable and contrary to the Pentagon's own guidelines distributed to troops in the field. The effect has been to deprive the American public of crucial images from Iraq in newspapers, broadcast stations and online news operations. Because of these actions, it is more difficult to distribute vital, timely information about ongoing developments.

The Associated Press Managing Editors, an association of editors at AP's more than 1,700 member newspapers in the United States and Canada, requests that the Department of Defense immediately take the steps to end such confrontations and to allow journalists to fully cover a story of vital interest to U.S. citizens, servicemen and -women and their families, and the world community at large.

We join the leaders of news offices in Washington in asking for your assurance that troops and officers in the field have been told that they cannot confiscate journalistic tools or otherwise harass journalists.


Stuart Wilk
President, Associated Press Managing Editors
Vice President/Managing Editor, The Dallas Morning News

Copyright 2003 By The Associated Press

Please feel free to comment to this blog, or e-mail me Do you feel it should be stopped? Does security of government in time of war justify such censorship? Let me know because as to this, I'm just being the messenger, and getting the fact out to you that there is dissent even in the media, which is also not getting through to us. Blog On.
on Dec 12, 2003
I manage to find the journalist death number in Iraq. A least 17 journalists have died in Iraq and at least 4 by coalition forces. (Which account for ca. 25 %)

I don’t really know what you can think about coalition forces attitudes just by these numbers.

Other interesting sites:

Since the war is finished (1 may by flying Georges), there shouldn’t be really anymore propaganda efforts about this conflict.
on Dec 12, 2003
Fantastic reply. This is what I love to see, new links to information. I will put up a site in response to the issue of propoganda soon which will shock and awe. It is in-depth investigation of specific media Corporation owners in UK and USA who are contracted in a effort to take over reporting wherever, 'National Security' matters are going on. It is extensive, has the sources, etc. and will probably go up as one of the top ten un-reported stories of the year. Please go to my articles page in next day or so, as I will get to the info. as soon as I go on-line again. I will visit these links to determine value and do thank-You for your insightful response to this blog. Blog On.