Published on December 12, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Internet
This is article I will be using to create a web page link list to accompany my blogs. The information I gleen in my research is various and goes places mainstream research does not usually go to. From looking at my blogs you'll see they cover a variety of topics, some of which may be of interest to you, others youmay not have thought of before. Please bookmark this blog and return as I will have quite a list up here before I'm done, but want to properly introduce each so as to make it easier to address your individual subject of interest. this blog is now up to number 19 in less than a week and I will be posting them as I can and am responding to various requests for more information on several topics now. Just post a coment or e-mail me at: and I'll add you to my blog topic posting list. I do not mind answering posts and am glad to accept your links and provide them to others, so, Blog On.

1.) This is the legacy of william (Bill) Cooper. It is THE site of his group and survives him to carry-on his research. I rank Cooper as the number one government conspiracy researcher of my years of study. He is author of the all-time Underground best-seller, 'Behold A Pale Horse' and that says it all. When I speak with someone and see they have a copy of his book, I KNOW this is a informed citizen i'm conversing with and I can pull out all restraint in addressing the topic of discussion. i recommend this site first in this field of research and hope you enjoy the voluminous information amassed at this site.

2.) This is site of investigative research concerning OUR tax moneys, which will eventually emerge as second biggest story this country has ever known. The over 10 years of investigation has led to the conclusion we, as in all of us, are right now OWED TRILLIONS -yes i said TRILLIONS- of dollars in dividend checks for over 45 years of our tax dollars being invested by local School districts, Township, City, County, State, on up to Federal government. If this sounds 'crazy' go see it for yourself, it's will take your breath away as it dawns on you just what the real gig is and how we go about getting our dividend checks. This is bigger than the Dem. or Rep. party once enough people realize they are owed money and there is no deficit at all. NO republuicans, NO Democrats, NO Greens, etc., just ALL AMERICANS are going to join this movement. An example of how much is owed us is found in the review of New Jersey's books which show that as of 1999 each man woman and child would get a check for $146,000 EACH if we get them to open our books and come clean. see my blog on the CAFR (Cumulative Annual Financial Report) for more on this, and by all means go check it out before you dismiss it as too incredible to be true.

3.) this site of the 'Way Back Machine'. go to my blog as to more information on it. If you knew of a site that was once up but has been removed, censored, banned, or otherwise denying you access, just go to the way back machine and you can download duplicates of entire sites just by entering the address. I found older versions of Bill Cooper's web site when it was under his address. I have also gone back and retrieved a siteo f a friend who passed away causing the information to dissapear seemingly forever. It has several other links and features which make it worthy of anyones list of research sites.

4.) This is radio program site with years of archived guests on various topics, aliens being a main theme. The site covers far more than aliens though, addressing politics, medicines and holistic health, ghosts and is cutting edge of non-media reporting of events throughout the world. In my opinion about the best informative radio program, and web site we can get over the airwaves, and a challenge to the Art Bell site since he retired.

5.) This the biggie of radio research shows, and the peer to the Rense program. If you haven't been to this site, you are missing something. His archive is massive and the link clicks are almost endless. If alien admissions are to come out, I figure the government will tap Art Bell to do it -as a matter of fact I argue that he already has made a test admission for them and they are awaiting results before going forth and admitting this number one story of the Century (check the site and his conversation with Mr. Lear for more on this dry run).

6.) For those investigating the 9/11 tragedy, this is a must bookmark. It has a literal minute-by-minute chronology of the entire day indexed from many, many sources and is growing all the time as research continues. It also covers the years leading up to the event and the actions and inactions since. There is also a great deal on other subjects and, in my opinion, it is well done.

7.) Another site concerning the 9/11 tragedy and offers a well researched thesis on the possible 'bungling' of 9/11 by some CIA and former Sen, of OK, David Boren.

More to come so bookmark and return periodically. You can post any recommendations, as I want all the links to research sites I can get, or e-mail me Blog On.
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