This is from "Babel Magazine' and Victor Thorn;it puts forth a thesis as to how to empower those of us who are informed and thereby inform the masses of the real news which the mainstream media does not provide. He uses a number of his own newsgroup to illustrate that as much as some of us have learned by investigating news events, the chasm between us and the mass of citizens is far beyond what we think of it as being. It also shows you a reason why I maintain the information content in this blog; the more outlets for real information, the better for all of us. I hope you'll read this whole article excerpt as it makes some very good points. far from merely pointing out the problem, it goes boldly forth to propose easy to follow, logical and easy to implement solutions to our desire to get the news out to the masses. Hope you enjoy the read, and take notes or visit the Babel Magazine' site to learn more on how you to can be part of the solution of getting our word out on this media platform. Not Democrat, Not Republican, Not Green, just ALL Americans who are working to get the truth out for ourselves, our families, our Country, and our posterity.
WING" - World Internet News Group (update)
by Victor Thorn
Everyone has heard the saying, "Information is power." But this adage
only true when followed by ACTION. In other words, we can fill our heads
with knowledge about everything from Afghanistan to the Bilderbergs, but
we don't ACT upon this information, what good is it? None. It's similar
finding a secret map directing you to a field of gold, or finding a cure
cancer. If you don't follow through on either of them, what changes will
result? None. Thus, I'm going to bring some stark realities to the table
this essay, and also update and clarify some of the issues originally
forth in my initial proposal, "The Revolution Will Be Televised," which
be found at:
Before doing so, though, I want to make one thing very clear. As it
now, if we keep doing exactly what all of us have been doing for the
few months or years, I guarantee you that very little will change for
better. Can you hear what I'm saying? We know that there were very
influential people that had foreknowledge of the 9-11 terrorist attacks,
that the Federal Reserve System is not in the average American's best
interest. But if we don't do anything to act upon this information, in
year 2003, 2005, or 2009, we'll be in exactly the same predicament as
in now, or more likely; one that is significantly worse. I GUARANTEE
Someone may argue, "That's not true. We're really getting the word out
the Internet." I hate to disagree, but the reality of the situation is
this - we're NOT getting the word out to enough people. How do I know
Well, last week I did an informal survey. Being that I meet hundreds of
different people from all walks of life on a weekly basis, I decided to
how many of these folks were aware of a single online news service - Over a two day period I asked approximately 50 different
one simple question - "Have you ever heard of a website called"
Guess how many people were familiar with it. ZERO! Now don't get me
wrong. I
'm not trying to pick on Jeff Rense. That's the least of my intentions.
Hell, pulls seven million hits a month, and is one of the
sources of alternative news on the Web. But I'm sorry to say that except
us "in the cyber-world know," the word isn't getting out to the rest of
society. The mainstream corporate media still has a stranglehold on the
minds of most everyday citizens, and they're continuing their
on a daily basis. And do you know why the mainstream media remains so
successful at what they're doing? Because they're organized; and we're
That's the key, and there's no getting around it.
What I'm trying to say is as such. Passing around articles on all these
various news groups keeps us informed, but it's not enough. The material
fantastic, and every person behind the scenes of these various groups
sites is remarkable in their efforts, but we're not getting the word out
a wide enough basis. This has to change, for what is the ultimate
behind this flow of vital information? It's to hopefully make the world
better place and to lessen the Controllers evil grip over it. And I know
there are multitudes of people out there who are frustrated, angry, and
dissatisfied with our current political situation because I've read
e-mail. On the other hand, these same people are also filled with hope
we CAN make a difference. But to do so requires more effort than we're
currently exerting. We need to get organized, and we need to take
action. It
's either that, or lay down and play dead so that the New World Order
steamroll over us. We have to ask ourselves, is this what we want, or
are we
willing to fight for what we believe in?
Before I move on to the meat-and-potatoes of this article, I want to
explain one aspect of how this information will be presented. As I said
earlier, we received an overwhelming amount of e-mail here at Babel
over the past few weeks. After compiling all the information contained
them, I was faced with a dilemma - should I let everyone know where this
information came from or not? I mean, not only did I get scores of
from everyday people, but also from those who run publishing companies,
actual newsstand magazines, those who operate websites, newsletters,
financial sites, and online magazines. After thinking long and hard
this touchy subject, I decided to present this information to you in a
that protects everyone's identity.
Please understand why. First and foremost, I did not do so because of
Right now I'd like to sign my name to this movement like John Hancock
did to
the Declaration of Independence - in HUGE, BOLD LETTERS. If we're going
challenge the elitists who call the shots in this world, we'll need to
up to them. I can honestly say that I don't hold one ounce of fear in
to them, and if they see that there are thousands and millions more who
willing to stand-up, then things will begin to change. The reason, then,
that I chose to present this information in an "anonymous" format was
simple - I wanted to preserve the free-flow of information (as much as
is possible with programs such as Carnivore in existence) without
worrying that they're going to get "fingered" or "strong-armed." So,
moving on, I'd like to thank everyone who contacted us, and also extend
gratitude for your kind words of encouragement. With enthusiasm and
like what I've seen in these e-mail; I know we can forge ahead and
Also, I extend my deepest thank you to everyone who put the word out on
their websites or in their newsletters. Much appreciated. And last but
least, I'd like to thank Lisa Guliani, who tirelessly compiled our
list and who has done some excellent research. She's a fighter, and
afraid of a damn thing in the world. We need more people like her on our
General Comments
What I'm first going to do is relay some of the feedback that we've
here at Babel Magazine, then some of your thoughts on the concept of
action." This will be followed by the main areas of concern regarding my
original proposal. And I'll be the first to admit that I had been wrong
about a few crucial aspects when I first addressed this notion of
all the independent news sources. But instead of trying to 'snow' you or
string a line of b.s., I'll simply admit my oversights, then present
solutions to them. For in the end, that's one of the greatest benefits
enjoy by coming together - a massive influx of opinions that will
strengthen the overall whole.
Anyway, here are three general comments regarding the concept of an
organized, alternative news group outlined in "The Revolution Will Be
1) "I have been aware that the Internet is probably the solution and our
salvation. However, this is the first time that I have seen such a
comprehensive proposal as to how this can be accomplished."
2) "I am behind you 100%. You are absolutely correct about the media.
are thousands just waiting for the time to become active. This
will gain momentum - the time is now."
3) "I recently found your website through chains of other websites.
simply, your essay was incredibly articulate and well-written. I'm
convinced you're telling the truth."
Another comment came from someone that runs a popular Internet radio
She summed up my sentiments exactly by saying, "Too many people are
back doing nothing. ORGANIZATION IS A NECESSITY."
Another individual that hosts a financial website weighed in by
"The words that have the most effect have been the ones relating to
action . reading, tapping the desk, huffing, puffing, and publishing
books only go so far." He continues, "The secret is: from THOUGHT to
and from WORD to ACTION." This person also realizes, though, that the
we're going up against are formidable. "We are dealing with the most
ruthless people on earth . and as such every move has to be calculated."
This opinion is backed up by a man who runs a great online news site.
least the fight between good and evil is out in the open now."
So, even though there exist a wide-array of support from many different
factions, after compiling all the information from your e-mail, I
that there were five primary areas of hesitance in regard to moving
with this concept. These are addressed below.
1) A Centralized Server
By and far the biggest protest to my "Revolution" article was that of a
centralized server, and with good reason. All of us have to deal with
Internet problems on an ongoing basis, but a communal server is not the
solution by a long-shot. Rather, a better alternative is a HUB site that
mirrored by other like sites and which links to every other member site.
Thus, the key is to develop a strong focal site with mirrors located at
various points around the world. Then, if one site goes down, another
up immediately. Or, as one person wrote, "The whole point of the
with server variety in various locations is survivability of
service/communication. Put all the 'alternatives' in one location and
you no
longer have alternatives in case of attack/failure. Organize by sharing
links, not servers."
A book publisher very interested in this idea sums up the concept of
sites perfectly. "The news server should be set up on several servers
throughout the world, with a server system that links servers and also
to other participating websites. So, if one is taken down, one of the
linking 'brothers and sisters' can immediately be up and running within
An individual who runs one of my favorite online news services took it
step further. "With high bandwidth you could do "TV" news over the
and that is really what we need. It would have to be decentralized,
You can't have it with a single server farm that the Gestapo can come
take away. It would have to be mirrored, possibly in several states, or
several countries. It would have to be such that if one farm was yanked
would still stay on the "air." It could be set up so that individual
reporters could come in on video-cam live from anywhere in the world -
home, a studio, or from a satellite feed."
This person does say, though, that the first step should be to establish
headline news network, then develop an Internet radio show, followed by
entrance into "TV" news.
What, you may ask, will this HUB network site entail? What will it be?
the above-mentioned publisher, who sees this idea as a "dream come true"
the American people, has written quite extensively on the subject. Below
some of her thoughts.
She sees this centralized HUB gathering site as, "A loose confederation
Internet websites with the common goal of delivering authentic news by
reliable reporters and analysts and promoting each other's newsletter
subscriptions and information products (books, CD's, videos, audio
DVD's, etc) by reporters, writers, and other professionals who wish to
their information, analysis, and interpretations with the largest
Thus, we should, "Network all newsletters and information products among
members," while the mission and method of operation should be, "To
each others website business and personnel in keeping their sites secure
from hacking and other forms of external attack that will cause them to
removed from the Internet." But, to ease everyone's feelings of being
swallowed-up, she adds, "Each website is AUTONOMOUS. The only indicator
it belongs would be a logo or link that appears somewhere on that
The editor of a well-known ink-on-paper magazine chimed in with a
well-reasoned insight into the links page. He suggests that it be
by subject category, and not one that reflects division, such as
etc. In other words, the primary goal is to get as many people as
to the main site, then encourage them to explore the links page, where
site can disseminate in more depth information that is censored or
by the mainstream media.
In this vein, the HUB site will be more of an organizational and
action-oriented area than a daily news vehicle, because, in all honesty,
sites currently performing these services are doing a phenomenal job. Of
course the HUB will have daily news updates, but I envision its focus
more to get people rallied-together and give them the big picture in
to world events. Plus, once we get people to this HUB, we have the
gly greater potential to become a self-contained system where people can
become more familiar with the products offered by each member on the
page. When viewed in this light, it's easy to see how beneficial this
is to every affiliate member. People often ask me, "Where can I find the
same books and videos that you get?" Well, now the answer is simple.
Everything will be contained on the links page in one easy-to-find
Rather than doing frustrating searches on a variety of search engines,
everything is right here.
So, what we'll have here is a "starting point" - a gathering site with
to all who belong - that focuses on the "big picture." A woman who
an online news site reinforced this angle by saying, "This is an area
that I
would see as having great potential. Some type of activist-network: a
way of
disseminating information on urgent issues, and giving people an easy
way to
take action."
2) Independence
One of the other areas of contention revolved around existing websites
newsletters being "edged-out," but that is the least of our intentions.
founder of a wildly popular news site spoke out on this issue. "There
many fiercely independent journalists who will not take kindly to
joining a
group and having the potential of doctrine/rules forced on them." He
continued, "On the other hand, your points in favor of forming an
organization are strong. Unfortunately, most alternate news sites are
basically reposting services, and these people will be faced with giving
their livelihoods, if you follow my drift."
Thus, two points are being raised:
a) The fear of being organized versus independent

Having one's toes stepped on
But as I said earlier, each site will remain completely AUTONOMOUS, and
to continue operating as they always have. Each site is already doing a
great job. That's not where the problem lies. Instead, it goes back to
same concept - we're not organized, and thus have no clout. This HUB
instead become a "starting point" where each reader will then be
to check out all the others for news, reports, analysis, and other areas
interest such as online radio shows, etc. We're not here to threaten
s "bread and butter." Instead, our hope is that we can spread the word
further than we currently are, thus drawing more people to ALL of our
In this way, everyone remains completely independent other than
belonging to
a core group of like-minded individuals who have become disillusioned
the corporate-controlled mainstream media, and the politicians who
acting with our best interests in mind.
3) Infilatration
The most pronounced fears of all the feedback that I received revolved
around the possibility that this "movement" could be infiltrated by the
Controllers. It truly showed how much ALL OF US distrust those in
of power in this country. If these responses are any indicator of how we
view our government, it should be reason enough to move ahead with these
plans, because as it stands now, we don't trust them at all - not as far
we can throw them!
This reaction is reflected in a statement provided by someone who runs a
news group. "Don't fall into the same 'divide and conquer' traps that
corporate media conditions us to engage in."
I've voiced this same concern in pointing out how the media constantly
us to go at each other by highlighting stories that focus on race,
gender, party or religion. But if we started directing our energy to
SOLUTIONS rather than allowing them to make us fight with each other,
be a helluva lot further along than we are right now. And here's where
hit the CRUX of the issue - rather than allowing the Controllers to
determine the content of what the public digests, why don't WE step
and replace them!
Still, a woman who runs an excellent website points out that we must be
constantly weary of the powers-that-be. She wrote, "I have wanted to do
for a long-time, but I know only too well that the government sends in
agents to destroy every attempt like this. That is why I have stayed
separated for so long."
I fully understand her concerns, but we've got to reach a point where
no longer allow them to keep us off-balance and unorganized. We need to
together, but with an ever-present vigilance that won't allow us to fall
prey as did other groups before us. Instead of being "divided and
conquered," we need for once to join as a cohesive whole and stand
against the spooks and agent-provocateurs.
4) Money
Invariably, one of the most seductive techniques that the Controllers
use to
lure away or corrupt good people is via money. Yes; that age-old old
To our credit, though, most of us are aware of this scheme, which puts
one step ahead of the game.
This concept of selling-out for a few pieces of silver was echoed by an
individual who said, "I thought a great deal about a lot of folks until
realized that they all had the same goal . make the money and screw the
rest . they started telling lies for the money."
There ya have it, folks. How much plainer and clearer could it be? I
speak for anybody else's motives, but I'm going to go on record right
and say that the last reason I'm proposing a network to bring us all
together is for the money. We've been running Babel Magazine for over a
and a half now, and have not accepted one penny to help defray costs.
been offered advertising money, and have flatly turned it down. We don't
foresee taking any in the future, either.
In other words, I'm not here to get rich. What I want to do is have all
us join together and make a stand against those who are deliberately
undermining this fine country (and those people from other nations with
similar views). If financial prosperity were my main goal, I would have
after day one.
A previously mentioned woman who operates an Internet news site is on
same page. "In my heart I know what you are saying is correct. But I
know how easy it is to subvert an organization once they have come
It is hard to herd cats, they are too independent. But if you walk down
street with a basket of fresh fish you will have every cat on the block
following you! I have always thought of us as a bunch of independent
My question is: how do we retain our independence, BUT join with other
equally independent cats? Since I fully expect that a government goon
with a
fresh fish basket will try to lead the parade, how do we keep the best
brightest from succumbing to their tried and true 'come on' --- flattery
with the offer of money!!! Once you have accepted the money and learned
nice it is to live at the level their money allows you to live . you are
theirs forever!!"
A man affiliated with a software design firm who contacted us had these
thoughts. "Your ideas are grand, and I believe achievable. The only
danger I
see is that the bigger such a venture becomes, the more it would attract
would-be money-makers and profiteers. If it is in any way a financial
operation, then I and most of my visitors would steer clear for fear of
external influence. One way of remaining genuine is to NEVER allow
advertisements from any outside source that is not directly part of the
organization. NEVER allow banner ads and irrelevant pop-ups and banal
gimmicks to come anywhere near any of the pages."
I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly. Two of the more distinct ways the
Controllers yield their influence over the mainstream media is via 1)
ownership, and 2) advertising. Neither will be allowed on this site!
5) Negativity
Luckily, only a small percentage of the feedback we received was
hostile and negative. One example was, "So many Americans are so deeply
asleep to the truth that it will take something of Monumental
Proportions to
awaken them."
My only question is, do we want to wait for this catastrophic event to
happen before we become aware (at which time it will already be too
or do we want to organize and act first and quite possibly prevent it
happening? Anyone can be overwhelmingly negative, but from my
isn't it more beneficial and promising if we look at the positives of
we can accomplish?
A woman e-mailed us with the same outlook. "Might I offer that I believe
your project will go way better if you insist upon a positive force in
ways - focusing on what builds rather than what tears down."
Rallying the News Organizations and Website Owners
If we're in agreement that to be successful with this endeavor we need
spread the word far-and-wide to everyday people, the first step in this
process is for every alternative news organization, news oriented site,
e-mail newsletter operator to pass the word along to their readers. I
the mainstream media isn't going to help us, so it's up to each and
one of us to lend our support. It's imperative that we reach every
possible. If the alternative, or NEW MEDIA, doesn't spread the word and
report this story to its readers, what does that make them akin to? You
it - the mainstream media!
Proving how far the word has already spread, a woman from Australia says
no uncertain terms, "My challenge (if I may be so bold) would be for you
tell them [Orlin, Rense, RMN, FTW, etc.] to PERSONALLY STAND UP AND HELP
MAKE A STAND TOGETHER, because together we have all the best resources."
I second her motion 100%! It's crucial that the above-mentioned
plus all the others, band together as one. And, as many people reminded
this isn't merely a cause for the United States. Hell no. As evidenced
the e-mail we've received worldwide after my first article appeared,
this is
an undertaking that involves everyone who's sick and tired of the same
status quo shenanigans. At this point we need to do away with silly
such as ego, who's "king of the hill," whose toes might get stepped on,
what's best solely for their SELF. Right now we need to focus on a much
important goal - rescuing the world from the Controller's tyranny.
A Midwest researcher is on the same wavelength, for he wrote very
loudly-and-clearly, "You guys are the real deal. There's too many clowns
with the proper catch phrases and the proper attitude to pass themselves
as warriors for the cause when in reality they turn it on and off when
serves their purpose. Most of these characters stuck flags on their
and called it a day! You guys do the right thing when nobody is looking,
know what I mean? That separates you from the 'actors'."
It's time to start examining this situation and determining who is for
and who isn't. Another individual from an online news site reinforced
view by commenting, "The enemy of the American people is the media
they scream the loudest for freedom of the press, yet they only print
they are told to print."
I guess it all boils down to this - what do we stand for? Are we the
THING, or simply POSEURS? Do we want to join together and work our asses
to make the world a better place, or are we willing to keep doing what
been doing and let the status quo power-mongers keep screwing things up?
Ken Kesey used to say, "You're either on the bus or off the bus." This
is a
vibrant, worthwhile endeavor done for all the right reasons. If we don't
take ACTION very soon, it's going to be too late.
Future Plans
Now that we've taken a look at some of the misgivings people had in
to this endeavor (and hopefully allayed their fears in the process), the
next question is: WHAT PRECISELY DO WE WANT TO ACCOMPLISH beyond the
dissemination of information? To move forward, we need a simple, direct
of action that everyday people can relate to. So, what should we do?
One person said, "First action: a name. Get something going that will
a byword and catch everyone's coattails." In my last update I suggested
name WING (World Independent News Group), but this is still open to
suggestions. By all means forward your ideas to us.
Another person wrote about our need to attract those outside of our
cyber-sphere. "Converting mainstream people will require mainstream TV.
converts are already online." The primary roadblock to 'mainstream TV'
is a
little agency called the FCC that the Controllers use to keep their
iron-grip on the boob tube. In essence, 'regulation' is a form of
that rarely gets mentioned in anyone's censorship lists. But now that we
have the Internet and technological breakthroughs on a weekly basis, we
circumvent their limitations.
Anyway, let's get back to the original question: what do we want to do?
is a list of suggested short-term and long-term goals:
Short-Term Goals
--- Develop a brand-new action/news site that will serve as a HUB or
gathering point for all the independent news groups and online
political sites where readers are encouraged to explore the links
every affiliate member. The greatest benefit to each member is that
they can update visitors to the site on a continual basis as to new
products, newsletters, or breaking information. A powerful tool,
--- Formulate a brief, direct charter to be posted on the site which
outlines our mission.
--- Prepare a list of all participating news groups and websites who
belong to the core of this endeavor.
--- Determine who will act as "mirror" sites. (In other words, we're
for volunteers that would like their site to be one of the
--- Pool our resources to get the word out about this endeavor to every
other media source in the country - vitally important!
--- Decide upon the need for a group meeting.
Long-Term Goals
--- Explore the technological boundaries and create high-quality
radio and television shows.
--- Continued push to reach mainstream, non-Internet audiences.
--- Form a political party, with the primary goal being to get someone
the ballot in all 50 states for the office of Presidency. (This is
certainly within the realm of possibility, especially with the
on our side.)
--- Formulate a Party platform that will insure that anyone reading it
stand-up and take notice (the mainstream media included).
--- Renew the notion of voter participation (give them HOPE again)!
--- Prevent "Votescam" from ever happening again (i.e. don't let the
Controllers steal our votes as they are currently doing).
--- Inundate the corporate mainstream media with our message. With tens
thousands (even millions) of participants, they can only ignore us for
--- Locate key politicians and public figures to help spread the word
(Congressman Ron Paul from Texas is a fine example).
The final area of interest, of course, is the stickiest - money. No
can get off the ground without some sort of financial foundation. My
suggestions, and they are certainly open to debate, are five-fold:
a) Donations from everyday people who are tired of the current status
system and ready for a change on the political landscape. This could be
via a simple link on the site's homepage.

A membership fee from all the participating "link groups" or
c) No advertising revenue.
d) No corporate sponsors or PAC money.
e) Innovative fund raising campaigns.
This variable is open to speculation; and the one where we most need
input, suggestions, and ideas. The area we most want to stay away from
the one that corrupted the mainstream media and our current political
in the first place - the infiltration of tainted money that is used to
people off, is used as a form of control to prevent the free-flow of
information, and keeps politicians from serving US instead of their
corporate interests.
What Can Everyday People Do?
One of the things that most filled me with inspiration was the volume of
letters I received from everyday people who asked, "If there's anything
can do to help, let me know." Another person wrote, "DO IT DO IT DO IT -
With that in mind, this is by far the easiest section of this article to
write because there are SO MANY things that people from all walks of
can do to spread the word about our new information/action network.
letting you know what they are, though, I'll first give you some
advice on the bullshit people you shouldn't waste your time on:
i) Congressmen in Washington, D.C. - we've tried that route with our
representative, Rick Santorum, and the process ended up being a complete
exercise in futility. In all honesty, the majority of these people don't
give a damn about our everyday concerns. They're too worried about
money for their next election campaign. In regard to Santorum
we contacted his 'people" (God forbid we could actually speak to him
directly), then four months later we received a generic form letter
that didn't even address our initial question. Forget about these
they're nothing but a waste of time (at least for the time being).
ii) Widely recognized corporate media sources - I hate to sound less
encouraging, but the New York Times or Newsweek aren't going to publish
"letters to the editor," or lend a hand with this endeavor (again, at
for the time being).
Instead of messing around with the above entities (we can't rely on them
help us (at least initially), that's why it's so important that we take
upon ourselves). Here are some more practical steps to take in order to
the word out:
1) E-mail every person you know! If you knew how many e-mail Lisa and I
out a week, it'd astound you. And best of all, it's quick and easy.
cut-and-paste this link:, or the entire
itself, along with a brief introductory note to every person you know.
tell them (with a sense of urgency) to forward it to everyone they know.
no time, we'll have it spreading exponentially like wildfire. And if you
't hear back from some of them, e-mail them again! Remember, the key to
success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. We have power in
and we have to capitalize on this asset.
2) Start perusing all the different alternative online news groups and
websites and see if they're carrying this story. If they are, thank and
encourage them. And if they're not, e-mail and ask why they're not on
E-mail Jeff Rense at, the American Free Press (which has
subscribers),, NPR, and the Alternative Press Review (among
others). Be urgent, polite, and persistent, but let them know in no
uncertain terms that you want them to cover this story. In our next
we'll provide a list of all the groups we've contacted.
3) Join and post messages on news group bulletin boards like Yahoo, etc.
Internet is our most powerful tool, so give out the link address, then
continue on and hit all the others. The more people who become aware of
groundswell of interest, the better shot we have of competing with the
mainstream media to de-condition the masses.
4) Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper. This is easier
you think, and you actually have a good shot at getting it published.
had four letters published in the last few months, and one even
the "Bilderbergs" by name, and they still ran it! Just make sure you
within the newspaper's particular guidelines (column word length, etc.),
there's a good chance you'll see your letter in print.
5) Call local radio talk shows. These are very easy to get through to,
if you're enthusiastic and polite, the host will most likely be very
receptive to you. Give the listeners a brief overview of what we're
to accomplish, and be sure to mention the link: ..... If possible,
it out more than once, and make sure the host writes it down because
listeners will invariably call the station and ask for it again.
6) Call the Art Bell Show. Art doesn't screen his calls, and if enough
of us
start making it clear that we want this idea discussed on the air, we'll
7) Send us a list of all the sites you visit so that we can add them to
list and contact them. The more groups we contact, the better we're able
spread the word.
8) Finally, for the more-ballsy of you out there, stage formal
'protests' at
a prominent, high-traffic area of your town. Lisa and I have done this
more than one locale during the past year, and the response and
is incredible.
The essential keys here are simple - take action, and be persistent.
everyone you know, and post messages. But don't just do it once - keep
everyone updated to what's going on. And also contact sites such as and all of the others. These groups are fantastic at spreading
information, and it's imperative that they let their readers and
know how vital this endeavor is.
Closing Comments
Well, folks, here we are. The big question now is: are we willing to
over and accept the status quo and say, "Oh well, things will never
That's just the way they are. This is all too big and complicated," or
we going to fight to get our country back from the Controller's evil
clutches? If you're ready to bow-down to the New World Order, there's
nothing more I can say to you (except that I feel VERY sorry for you).
if you're ready to fight, become active, and participate in this
let's take it all the way! We're the only hope we have left! If we don't
it, no one will. And y'know, I'm thoroughly convinced we can be
But to do so, we can't keep sitting around and exchanging articles. We
already know that the System is rotten. We now need to take it to the
level, then one beyond that. Get involved, and when you hit an obstacle
roadblock, bowl it over and keep going. Don't take no for an answer.
if you could see how many pratfalls Lisa and I have overcome this far,
boggle your mind. But guess what. We're still here, we're still fighting
strong, and we're NEVER GOING TO STOP!
As for those who operate online news sites and e-mail newsletters, I can
only say this - we need your help in spreading the word about this
Let your readers know what we're doing, and encourage them to get
Your assistance is vital in making this world a better place than it
currently is. And believe me; we're making a difference, as one woman
"We (the independents) are already having various effects on the
Many stories that create a buzz in the underground circles are picked up
the mainstream outlets much faster than ever before - in some cases, the
mainstream has appeared to have been FORCED to deal with stories that it
would have otherwise never given attention to." Thus, we have a chance
push this idea over the top, especially if we do indeed FORCE them to
recognize our goals and ideas. So, please, lend us your support and
the word. As one person said, "There are but two choices, actively
tyranny, or inactively submit to it." It's up to us. Do we act, or do we
remain passive? As Buckminster Fuller so aptly noted, "In order to
something, don't struggle to change the existing model. Create a new
and make the old one obsolete." It's time to move, folks, and it's time
the NEW MEDIA to make its mark. This is for real, and it CAN HAPPEN!
seize the moment!
Please feel free to comment, or e-mail me at: