Wahkonta Anathema's Articles » Page 20
December 21, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is an excerpt of comments made by Representative Ron Paul concerning the Patriot II Act, which WILL be passed one way or another. Some speculate that as soon as the next 'terrorist' attack the board will go red and martial law imposed with the Act signed into law by Executive Order. The reason is several jurisdictions have declared the ACT I as void and un-constitutional in their Town, City, Borough and intend to challenge the first one, so there is little chance the second will pass Co...
December 21, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Caveat Lector- http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,8232850%5E663,00.html Diana was pregnant, report reveals Ben English London 22dec03 PRINCESS Diana was pregnant when she died, according to a senior police source in France. But the source - who has seen all the documents relating to the princess's death - dismissed suggestions there was a conspiracy to murder Diana in 1997. The source said medical reports that showed the Princess was pregnant were shelved ...
December 21, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Remember when one was considered a wacko to believe there was a 'New World Order' conspiracy, made up of imaginary groups such as the 'Bliderbergs', 'Council on Foreign Relations' and Tri-Lateral Commission? I used to have a friend who I would ask at opportune times, "What's the punch line? To which she'd respond, "There really WAS a 'New World Order'. To now see it is no longer enough, but it is clear to all that the crazy wackos were in fact, correct. These Quotations are chilling and ...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Of all the research being done, I consider this the most pertinent to Americans. For more information, go to: http://www.cafr1.com or just click the link at the bottom to go to the aol site. This is must reading for all Americans, and will make us all rich when we can get enough people stand up to demand OUR legal and rightful money from over 50 years of Government investment of it to the tune of TRILLIONS in profits. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog ON. EXCERPT ...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
A poem submitted by J,L,CR & TJ Morrison you may want to view for fun. POEM BEGINS Submitted by J, L, CR & TJ Morrison Congress Night Before Christmas "Twas the week before Christmas and those sly little elves, Our congressmen, labored to better themselves. They cared not a whit what the public might think "Let them eat cake," some said with a wink. And putting their thumbs to the tip of their nose, they waved as they shouted "Anything goes!" They scoffed at the thought that ...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Just a thanks to all who have taken a Blog site which was non-existent just three weeks ago and put it in the top ten. I thank all who have visited and posted comments. Bookmark it and stay tuned in the coming weeks because I will get a web site linked to this and have an archive to rely upon for any Conspiracy-History-News on the web. The archive of articles is already impressive and will be extensive in just the next thirty days. In addition, the linklist will be a good source for any resea...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here's a reality check to liberals who think their characterizations of the President have impact. They do if you have evidence of the case you make, but not if you just rant. Study history, read REAL news, and it will all come together in time. I do Blog on about those in power, true, but I also want the facts to speak, not rant and offer as the only solution to vote Democrat. Here's and example of how such rant is treated. EXCERPT BEGINS: -Caveat Lector- This author, John Leo, has be...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Whatever happened to the saying, "I'm fiscally Conservative"? The article that follows points out that only 25% of the deficit is linked to the War. Hmmm, wonder where the rest is? For the real news on how your taxes are spent and the trillions of net worth you actually have, go to: http://www.cafr1.com. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net EXCERPT BEGINS Caveat Lector- http://www.quicken.com/investments/news_center/story/?story=NewsStory/dowJones/20031216/ON200312161605...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Since Gem City Joe and others have expressed interest in this subject I have put up a 4 part Reply in this Blog archive anyone can visit to get the complete timeline for the date of 9/11 as contained at http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline/ . This is yet another article on the subject, complete with exaustive web link list for anyone who is interested in being informed on this. Because it is a story the 'controlled-media' won't tell you about, you'll find it here at this blog. Feel f...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here's a news item you definitely won't be hearing from the 'controlled-media'. A case of a woman in Tennessee who challenged the Government's authority to make her pay what is clearly a 'voluntary' tax , namely the 'Federal Income Tax'. There is a wealth of information I have on this subject, and I'll be glad to send you to several in-depth links written By the People, and For the People, which are easy to understand, have facts and forms, and will help you with your own income tax problems. ...
December 20, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
"The Front Line is Everywhere". This is a line from 'Rage Against the Machine' song which is quite fitting in the context of this article. It is the plan of Empire for the "New America". for those who would boast of our pre-eminence in such a foreign Policy, recall your basic World History, at Scythis, Greece, Rome, Ottoman, Great Britain,etc. My friend 'grugyn' (Steve McCutchan) who's web site was number 3 on the most hated list at time of his passing away, used to discuss the nature o...
December 19, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Part 4 of 4 EXCERPT BEGINS 9:41 a.m. From Flight 93, Marion Birtton calls a friend. She tells him two people have been killed and the plane has been turned around. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 10/28/01] 9:42 a.m. From Flight 93 Mark Bingham calls his mother and says, "I'm on a flight from Newark to San Francisco and there are three guys who have taken over the plane and they say they have a bomb." [9:42, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 10/28/01] In an alternate version, he says, "I'm in the air, I'm c...
December 19, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is part of what will be 4 to give better accounting of the 24 Hrs. form 00:00 to 23:59 of date of 9/11 2001. Remember to watch the behavior of President Bush in this comprehensive timeline. You tell me Gem City Joe, or anyone else who reviews it, They knew didn't they? This was a gig, Dudes and Dudettes, and it's going to be over $300 Billion (easier to write billions than put up $300,000,000,000.00), before said and done. You know that even today, this timeline is being amended and cla...
December 19, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is part 2 of timeline facts for Gem City Joe and others to be informed of crime of 9/11 and who Knew beforhehand it was to occur. Watch the behavior of President Bush in this timeline for it is telling. Makes you question his leadership ability in time of crisis doesn't it Gem City Joe? TIMELINE EXCERPT BEGINS: 8:40 a.m.) Major Daniel Nash (codenamed Nasty) and Lt. Col. Timothy Duffy (codenamed Duff) are the two F-15 pilots who would scramble after Flight 11 and then Flight 175. Nash sa...
December 19, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Given the response of Gem City Joe to my posting on a Republican Chairperson whose findings as to 9/11 indicate something amiss (does this make him a whining Liberal or just a Terrorist the Government must protect us from?) I have decided to put up a more formal response of facts so he and any who have doubts will KNOW that there was foreknowledge of the attacks, and further, there was facilitation to the attacks and there were some who were fully aware the attack was to occur before it did. [ ...