Published on December 21, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Misc
Remember when one was considered a wacko to believe there was a 'New World Order' conspiracy, made up of imaginary groups such as the 'Bliderbergs', 'Council on Foreign Relations' and Tri-Lateral Commission?
I used to have a friend who I would ask at opportune times, "What's the punch line? To which she'd respond, "There really WAS a 'New World Order'. To now see it is no longer enough, but it is clear to all that the crazy wackos were in fact, correct.
These Quotations are chilling and timeless. I read some of them years ago when I first began to hear of this nebulous, conspiracy. You'll notice Richard Gephardt is included. This candidiate is the same one who, in 1988, stood on the Capitol steps and gave all his delegates to Dukakis in a concerted effort to stop Jesse Jackson from receiving the nomination for Democrats. In my opinion, it was a blatant and racially oriented move to stop an outsider from ever getting into contention for such high office. Jesse had just won MI. primary with over 55%of the vote and shot to lead by over 100 delegates, on a roll toward a mandate from the Democratic voters the nation over. Remember that obscure fact when Gephardt tells you he supports democracy and minority rights. AND he's a NWO man as well.
You'll also see a quote concerning the 'controlled-media' by David Rockefeller. It is the most chilling of all quotations I've encountered, for it shows the media is involved in the coverup of an anti-democratic, anti-American agenda and is proud of it. With the Terror Alert scale moved to Orange, we are now one bomb from Red, which is martial law. Martial Law is not a word, but a way of life which won't be rescinded any time soon. All freedom is a crime under martial law, and it will happen. So think of what you'll do and let others know any solutions you may have, but be ready cause it's coming.
Just trying to get your grey matter circulating again. Feel free to comment, or e-mail: Blog On

"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well -- by creating the international child of the future."
-Chester M. Pierce, Harvard psychiatrist, speaking as an expert in public education, During the 1973 International Education Seminar.

NAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order."
-Henry Kissinger

We can see beyond the present shadows of war in the Middle East to a new world order where the strong work together to deter and stop aggression. This was precisely Franklin Roosevelt's and Winston Churchill's vision for peace for the post-war period."
- Richard Gephardt, in the Wall Street Journal (September 1990)

"By the end of this decade (2000 AD) we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations...a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of human survival. One world government is inevitable."
-Pope John Paul II

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."
-David Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations

"You shall have world government, whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.
-James Warburg (whose father Paul Warburg merged his Manhattan Bank with Rockefeller's Chase Bank), a former aide to FDR, addressing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Feb. 17, 1950 .

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil, The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."
-Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. Transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
-David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991

"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."
-Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, foreword to 1946 edition

"Let us face reality. The framers of the Constitution have simply been too shrewd for us. They have outwitted us. They designed separated institutions that cannot be unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to "turn the founders upside down" - to put together what they put asunder - we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected."
- James MacGregor Burns, advocate of constitutional revision, The Power To Lead, 1984.

"There is no longer a question of whether or not there will be world government by the year 2000. As I see it, the questions we should be addressing to ourselves are: how it will come into being - by cataclysm, drift, more or less rational design - and whether it will be totalitarian, benignly elitist, or participatory (the probabilities being in that order.)
- Saul H. Mendlovitz, director World Order Models Project, 1975.

"There is no indication that American public opinion, for example, would approve the establishment of a super state, or permit American membership in it. In other words, time - a long time - will be needed before world government is politically feasible... This time element might seemingly be shortened so far as American opinion is concerned by an active propoganda campaign in this country...
- Allen W. Dulles and Beatrice Pitney Lamb, Foreign Policy Association, 1946.

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens."
-- Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner

"The Trilateral Commission is international ... (and) ... is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: Political, Monetary, Intellectual, and Ecclesiastical."
- U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) in his book "With No Apologies"

"If the New World Order agenda is not realized by the terrorist attacks on America and if American's don't agree to give up their weapons and relinquish their sovereignty to the New World Order, the next attack will be the use of chemical, biological and/or atomic warfare against the American people. The architects of the New World Order will not hesitate to use as a last resort an atomic or hydrogen bomb in a major American city."
-Reference Op Ed page of the New York Times 9/24/01
on Dec 21, 2003
You post some truly insightful stuff.

I am one of those wacko's. It's a good thing I read whole blogs because when you said bilderbinders fake I was going to berate you ~chuckles~.

The Carliyle Group is a "neutral" group of people who sell arms from one country(ies) to another. They are a war machine plain and simple. Goerge Bush's and the Bin Laden family have both had seats on that commision at the same time. George Senior was asked to step down when his son became president and Bin Laden's father was asked to step down after 9/11.

This country is being hypnotized through fear by the media which is owned by the filthy rich elite. The plan is to turn every country into a police state. That might sound ludicrious too you because with countries like Amsterdam and Canada which are being stoned by our government because they have the common sense to pass laws that work for them. Besides the plan doesn't care about those countries because they can be easily overrun after America is taken care of. They will create such a fear that Americans will be getting for the army to be on every block. This is what Hitler did before he took over the german army. I am amazed at how ignorrant and stupid people on this subject. It frightens me even more that it will happen within the next generation approximately 9 years from now and I will lose people that I love because the government will impose its mandates upon everyone. The best thing that could happen is blogs. I am hoping that more poeple will become enraged and seek the truth before it is too late. Turn off your stupid television or at least realize what the TV is doing too your minds.
on Dec 21, 2003
Good Artical. GCJ
on Dec 22, 2003
I thank you both for your comments. I'm glad to see some receptivity out here in the Blog-world. I have studied on the NWO for some fifteen years and it is THE subject of any serious historian or conspiracy researcher. I first began to read on it when studying the history of the United States Constitution and began to note the peculiar number of 'Freemasons' in the Convention and ratification process. When I told a Historian Professor of my findings and asked if he was aware of this, he informed me I was mis-informed and should not bother investigating such veins of study because there was no substance to it. "HMMM",I thought, "since you put it that way..."

Since then I've been through about every word of Bill Cooper (author of 'Behold a Pale Horse') and worked closely with 'Grugyn' (now deceased Stephan McCutchan) on this subject, following various threads through history till I came up with a thesis I prefer. I say prefer because you know that there are about as many conspiracy stories as people who write, and as I've heard said, one must learn how to separate the sh-- from the candy.

I differ from Grugyn, who wrote an in-depth 'Unified Conspiracy Theory' in that I do not find zionists the true problem, although they definitely play a major role in the events of today. I differ from Bill Coopper in that I do believe there are real teeth in the alien thesis. Grugyn followed the money very well, being versed in economics by trade, and together we put a big dent in the history of the freemasons by revealing the trade routes as the common denominator of the Crusades and subsequent battles. In this work I studied the Knights Hospitaller, a sect of F.M. who survived the 14th century purge of deMolay & Co., and began to follow the Knightsof Malta as they are termed today. It gets quite in-depth and tangled, leading one to places such a the University of Chicago, its founders, into the Reagan Administration, Casey, and Caspar Weinberger (a man of incredible power who, it is said, can disturb the rest of the Pope himself when necessary, and who had Charles Hayes locked up for the death of his own Son, when Hayes used Cray to tamper with joint bank accounts of Nancy Reagen, Oliver North, and Cap).

Bill Cooper is THE most significant conspiracy researcher of our time bar none. His insights were of such timeliness it almost seemed prophetic what he would warn of. He was at the cutting-edge in the re-formation of militia in response to Clinton placing 'Hand Gun Control,Inc.'in the White House. He sliced through all the rhetoric by pulling out a ordinary dictionary and challenging anyone to refute the definition found therein in claiming the right to keep and bare arms. He was also at the very fore on the Federal Income Tax issue and revealed points of law and nexus points, such as obscure deletions in the re-prints of the U.S. Code which was a literal needle in a haystack and made the case compelling.
I could go on and on about the NWO and what is to come - and, at times,I do. I believe one cannot begin to phathom events on the world stage without understanding the past. To see the WTC attack as an event such as the assasination of the Emperor before WWI is no where near the truth or substance of what actually led to the wars. Sadly, most are but sheeple who choose to be slaves and only want the rest of us to stop reminding them how cowardly they are to accept it. I myself have,in a moment of emotion, stated that the mass of those who claim title to my species should be given hooks in their nose when born so the rest of us can identify them easier and not waste our time on them, just lead them to new grass and leave them so we can get on with real life. Kind of a external identifying marker less costly than micro-chips
Anyway, I hope you'll browse my archive of articles and I want to point out one link inparticular as it is the future of conspiracy research. The work is found at: This is the 15 year work of Bill Burien, Jr. who began to study the Cumulative Annual Financial Report of New Jersey quite by accident. He found a hidden second set of accounting records hidden in them, one saying there was a deficit, the other showing a balance in BILLIONS in PROFIT from investments made with tax dollars which goes back to the genesis of the accounting system. Now his research shows literally TRILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer moneys owed to us but hidden in these books. i believe it is THE story to end all for Americans when enough of us are informed of it and demand our lottery-sized dividend checks. It will raise up a new political party the likes of which this Empire has never dreamed of, each Candidate promising to opent these accounts and return our money to us if elected.
In New Jersey alone, Bill points out that thousands of journalists have been hired by the various Governments of the State over the years, very probably to keep this story from ever coming out. Jesse Ventura accidentally found it when he bacame Governor of Minnesota and instantly balanced the budget of MN. It's a real heck of a story and I speak on it over and over even telling my teen kids of it so they can be versed for when this issue is ripe for non-corrupted political candidates to run for office and claim it for the people.
When you read it, it will just stagger your mind as you begin to realize what Bill is saying and showing with facts. BUT It gets even bigger though and here's a thought to ponder when you recover from his work: What if this accounting scam is being done to Citizens all over the world? What if we could force open the books of Great Britain, China,etc. Think it's impossible? Give me a billion people with a knowledge someone is holding their money and all they have to do to get it is find a way to take control of the account. Why give to a Party when your Party can give to you? I tell you its' the nexus of Conspiracy research, the "them' everyone looks for, all in black&white and in neat columns all adding up to e.g. every man, woman, and child in New Jersey, as of 1999 is owed $146,000.00 EACH !
Anyhow, thanks for the comments, I'll be going to read yours more as well and start setting up links for search terms as my blog is now on 28 search engines besides the major ones and I intend to get it all set up as an archive when I get a web page set up properly.. Blog On. We are at the future of Blogging right now. Let's see where this goes.