The Un-controlled media
Published on December 20, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Blogging
Just a thanks to all who have taken a Blog site which was non-existent just three weeks ago and put it in the top ten. I thank all who have visited and posted comments. Bookmark it and stay tuned in the coming weeks because I will get a web site linked to this and have an archive to rely upon for any Conspiracy-History-News on the web. The archive of articles is already impressive and will be extensive in just the next thirty days. In addition, the linklist will be a good source for any researcher to check on. Once again, Thanks to all and Blog On.
on Dec 21, 2003
Heehee that is if secret agents don't find us and make us disappear first ~chuckles and looks around~
on Dec 21, 2003
I like this web site. I just wish I knew more about it and how to write better stuff and make good layouts. GCJ