EXCERPT BEGINS Caveat Lector- How does this reconcile with Bush trading temp worker rights to Mexicans for oil drilling and oil stock rights for Halliburton in Mexico? "Upwards of 6 million Americans will no longer be allowed to fly under the CAPPS II system", so I guess we better start driving toward Mexico City. Which is Demican, which Reprocrat? -Bob norgesen . wrote: Facts Be Damned: CAPPS II Going Forward Internal Border Controls Going Up At Selected Airports Next Month Th...
A message for all Republicans who believe in God. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net EXCERPT BEGINS PRESS RELEASE Contact: REPENT AMERICA P.O. Box 30000 Philadelphia, PA 19103 1-800-3-REPENT For Immediate Release 1/12/04 NEW WEBSITE CALLS CHRISTIANS TO RE-THINK VOTING FOR BUSH IN THE UPCOMING ELECTION PHILADELPHIA - REPENT AMERICA, an evangelistic ministry based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Columbia Christians for Life in Columbia, South Carolina ha...
This is article in England as to the false intel in garnering support for invasion of Iraq. Does it strike anyone else as a strange coincidence that the two strongest advocates for the invasion bothe have the identical claim of faulty intel. and both claim it was thjis which motivated their actions? I don't believe them, but believe that O'Neill's revelation of the intention to invade came about in 2001, as result of study to report the plan to build oil pipeline through Iraq Afghanistan and P...
For those who want to check out the views of Candidate Liz Michael of AZ. here is a post of her views on civil liberties. EXCERPT BEGINS Civil Liberties and Personal Freedoms Repeal the Patriot Act The so-called "Patriot Act" is perhaps the greatest piece of treason ever devised for a free people since the Enabling Act of National Socialist Germany. It is my promise to see the Pariot Act repealed. But that's not enough. I believe every person who voted for this piece of treason should be ...
This is analysis of the new Immigration Policy of President Bush. The theory goes that voters are so dumbed-down, they'll support anythng their 'team' does and he will survive the betrayal because the followers of his Party will never betray him. Quite simply, he is unaccountable to his own supporters, for they have no will to stand apart from his control. I believe there will be consequences for the act and people will suffer and die for it. Of course I predicted that there would be unemplo...
Oh NO. Say it ain't so George. It is a fact of history that is coming out no matter how they try to suppress it, that this was not about liberation of women in Baghdad, or giving their children books to read, or any other joy,joy nonsense they are trying to feed us. t's about the oil people, and your Sons and Daughters are dying and being dis-membered to get it for a corrupt and immoral President and his Neo-Conservatve henchmen. I can say this because my wife doesn't work for the CIA and wo...
If I guess rightly, this is from the former Libertarian Candidate for President of the United Sates. He's got some good historical quotes of several Bush Cabinet Members. I don't think this came out before Colin Powell came out and admitted there were no WMD the other day. Any hoo he does vent. So, for your venting pleasure, I give you Harold Brown: EXCERPT BEGINS Lying for a Living by Harry Browne December 31, 2003 The Bush administration lied to the American people about many th...
This is an excerpt from a blog I put up regarding the rise of fascism in United States. I won't go into whether or not I believe it is true here and now for today I post it in relation to act of President Bush with regard to granting Citizenship to any illegal alien who promises to take an Americans job. I am glad to hear Laura Ingraham back on board with regard to this issue, holding it an act of betrayal by this supposed Republican. This is true and many Republicans who were temporarily ...
Another reason to not support the re-election of the Republican nominee. The betrayal of American veterans for profit by pharmaceutical and health-care companies is a clear sell-out of our military. There is much more on this same medical abuse done by Clinton in his years also, to be fair to both Parties of 'Republirats', but the Republicans tend to be the vets who are led to believe Bush 'supports' the troops more. EXCERPT BEGINS EL PASO TIMES January 2, 2004 Vets' drug bills may soar...
No, this can't be true can it? But his Son (little Bush) said that the terrorists are just 'freedom-haters'. Apparently they sit around their dug-outs and get so angry at American liberty, they just get up, and tell the family, "You know something, I hate freedom. I think I'll go blow myself up." What is not mentioned in the story is that next year our 50 year lease on Saudi oil is expired. Oh, and that Bin Ladin got dis-owned by the Royal family of Saudiville (his family owns THE ONLY cons...
Here's one to send Democrats reeling to even consider. This whole Diebold event with voting machines is ongoing and won't end till after Nov. 06. Stay tuned. ARTICLE BEGINS Convicted felons worked for electronic voting companies RACHEL KONRAD Associated Press Dec. 17, 2003 SAN FRANCISCO - A manufacturer of electronic voting machines has employed at least five convicted felons as managers, according to critics demanding more stringent background checks for people responsible for...
This is intro to a Civil Action presently active against Several Government Officials pursuant to the 'RICO' Statute. It is intriguing as to the claim of conspiracy to let illegal immigrants into country to take American jobs. The link will take you to fuller article. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net EXCERPT BEGINS - -Caveat Lector- 9-11 Relative Sues Bush For Failure To Deport Illegal Aliens and Seal U.S. Borders TomFlocco.com http://www.tomflocco.com/modules.php?...
Here is a 'scorecard' of top Congress people from a site called the Radical Middle. See if Your member shows up on this list. EXCERPT BEGINS Congress' top visionaries: Reps. Filner and Frank and Sen. Tim Johnson Reps. Bob Filner (D-CA) and Barney Frank (D-MA) are the most visionary people in Congress, according to Radical Middle Newsletter’s first Congressional Scorecard. Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) is the most visionary Senator. The Scorecard, which focused on the entire 107th Congress ...
From what i've read, I'd say this is an informed perception of what is occuring, why it is occuring, and where it is headed. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net COMMENTARY BEGINS -Caveat Lector- http://www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/123003Valenzuela/123003valenzuela.html The enemy within: The neocon hijacking of America By Manuel Valenzuela Online Journal Contributing Writer The foreign strategy of the US must be "unapologetic, idealistic, assertive and well...
Since Buchanon is a person wo would definitley seek to repeal NAFTA and the Uruguay round of the GATT, I put up his observations as to the broken promises and un-American actions of this present Administration. ARTICLE BEGINS Bushite betrayal of working America Patrick J. Buchanan Posted: December 29, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern ÂÂ2003ÂCreators Syndicate, Inc. On Christmas Eve, a story and column in the Washington Post caught the eye. For they tell much about the two Americas we are...