This is introduction to a future blog I'll be putting up on Bush and Haliburton. It does not mention, for example, how Church congregations are having to pay for kevlar vests for parishion members as Bush will not pay for them, preferring to send our tax dollars to Haliburton. Stay tuned. EXCERPT BEGINS 2 Ex-Halliburton Workers Cite Waste in Military Contract Originally published Friday, February 13, 2004 By T. Christian Miller (c) 2004, Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON -- Halliburton ha...
This is a reply I gave to another post which I think is relevant to voters this year. Tell me what your thoughts are. THE REPLY: As an 'Independent' you must know it takes a physical commitment to pulling a different lever in that booth when you are all alone. This is not an easy task for the average human. Very few mortals are able to stand alone in anything they do in thier lives. It takes integrity, honor, self-esteem - things alien to most. I have always been an independent...
As it seems that once again the American people are being deceived into supporting the exact wrong Candidate to unseat the powers that be, here is an article which points out the lack of principles shown by Kerry on his positions.How anyone who is a Democrat could support a mirror image of Bush and say it is change is beyond me. Of all the Candidates, Kerry is the one I'd never support. Of course I said I'd never vote for Clinton due to lack of principles too - stupid me, boy was I wrong on th...
I'm sitting here listening to Scott McClellan (Press Sec.) tell us he has pay stubs for Bush serving in Service and avoiding issue of whether or not he was present for service in time periods his pay stubs show, and I'm thinking that he knows Bush has pay stubs but was not present. This was an issue in 2000 true enough, but the way it is being treated now shows me a fix is on. He is deliberatley letting himself fall to the heir select, and fellow bonesman, John Kerry, because he is following t...
Just a reminder of what was said and when, before it is spun and someone tries to change history. EXCERPT BEGINS In His Own Words - Bush On Saddam's WMD The Virginian-Pilot 2-1-4 "States like these (Iraq, Iran, North Korea) ... constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons." - President George W. Bush, State of the Union Addr...
As he moves into the spotlight, Sen. John Kerry is bringing his hidden baggage with him. Here we learn he was involved in covering up or suppressing the peaceful intentions of Libya for over 10 years to maintain the status quo and allow its' exploitation. Remember when they are talking about the 'Russell Trust' they are speaking of the 'Skull&Bones' fraternity that both Bush and Kerry are members of. This fraternity is also known as the 'Opium Trust' given their long history of piracy and dru...
More effects of the Bush Immigration Plan. It says, "The White House had better start listening to the people and re-thinking its position, because a lot of Republicans are saying Bush will not get their vote as things currently stand." And you Democrats thought this re-election thing was a done deal. It's only February too. Watch as he does the 'Bush dive', first made famous by his Dad. Feel free to comment or Blog ON. EXCERPT BEGINS Arizona GOP Defies Bus...
EXCERPT BEGINS Michael Savage N.Y. Times ad assails Bush Opposes 'amnesty' plan: 'It's going to be a grass-roots revolution' Posted: January 27, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2004 After calling for the impeachment of President Bush over plans to legalize millions of illegal aliens, talk-radio star Michael Savage has taken out a full-page ad in the New York Times declaring millions of Americans support his view. The ad features his new best-selling book, "The Enemy Wit...
Another article on Sen. John Kerry. This one on his brother's law firm in relation to his Campaign contributors. EXCERPT BEGINS The Zlatkin Letter Commentary by Chuck Zlatkin He's John Kerry, He's my brother When researching who the hell Mintz was, when I saw them number one on the top ten list of John Kerry’s contributors, I was struck by its client list dominated by pharmaceutical and bio-genetics firm. What I missed was the most obvious connection. It was pointed out to me by...
More on the developing John Kerry Campaign being exposed. There are 5 different article posts here. Caveat Lector EXCERPTs BEGIN 1.) This is new about Charles Kane, who seemed to be the one directing operations of a group of Republicans flown in from Washington, staying in five-star hotels, acting each day on anonymous orders slipped under their doors during the night, culminating in storming and illegally occupying a vote counting statio...
ARTICLE EXCERPT BEGINS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration issued a veto threat Thursday against legislation introduced in Congress that would scale back key parts of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act. In a letter to Senate leaders, Attorney General John Ashcroft said the changes contemplated by the Security and Freedom Ensured Act, or SAFE, would "undermine our ongoing campaign to detect and prevent catastrophic terrorist attacks." If the bill reaches President Bush's desk in its cur...
Here is a good site for archived speeches and other statements by all Candidates for Democratic nomination for President of United States. Has many speeches going back to 2002, including blog entries by Candidates. I put up a blog of Dennis J. Kucinich as example. Feel free to comment, refer me information on other links or e-mail: Blog ON BLOG EXCERPT BEGINS Kucinich: Congress, NAFTA, & WTO Yesterday, Rob asked several questions: 1) It is almost certain that you wil...
Since I've put up information as to Bush's Plan to legalize illegal aliens of Mexico, it is only fair we also have the Dem. plan. You'll see the Hegellian Dialectic in work here. Feel free to comment or e-mail: Blog On. EXCERPT BEGINS By Amy Fagan THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published January 29, 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- House Democrats yesterday proposed granting legal residency and the eventual option ...
Here we go. Now that the prophecy is once again being shown true and those crazy, whacko, conspiracy theorists are on target about the coronation of the Kerry Campaign, let's get down to it. Okay let's start with "...George W. Bush's chief counter-terrorism adviser Rand Beers". Hmmm. He resigns from Bush, then he goes and signs on with Kerry. Hmmm. This is good because now you'll be able to see the mechanics of how they create a 'electable' Candidate for you, right from its genesis and lear...
This is a article on the 'neo-cons. Among other things, it makes the point these are actually not conservatives at all, but far left 'zionists' who left the Democratic Party and have attached themselves to Bush via Cheney. The salient point is that ALL americans are being hood-winked by this cabal which has insinuated itself into positions of influence through funding of a bingo hall operator. To quote: "We will not go into the details of the neo-con coup de etat. That story has already been...