Wahkonta Anathema's Articles In History
December 7, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is another category within this blog which I want to receive your input. The topic is American and World History, the subject is approached from the viewpoint of the Aboriginal American (me). This is a view which is virtually ignored in 'institutional' texts and so leaves a great deal out of the discussion on the subject. For example, the Native American is willing to include the 'Anti-federalist' papers in a studyof American History in the formation of the Constitution of the United Sta...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is another link to the site previously run by Bill Cooper, who died by gunshot wounds. It illustrates how he used history to explain current events. Without his work many would have never wondered at the attack at all, and adopted the government line as to the how's and why's of the attack. He is sorely missed. He let the facts fall where they may and ALWAYS CHALLENGED READERS AND LISTENERS TO NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY HEAR OR SEE BUT GO AND INVESTIGATE IT THEMSELVES SO THEY TOO WOULD ...
December 13, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Here's an update on the Vincent Foster case. While the article shows a Court dismissing the use of following investigations of this cover-up, the fact that a member of the President's staff was murdered in the parking lot of the White House is pretty relevant to me. For those who view this and want to learn more, here's some links for the Vincent Foster case: http://www.allanfavish.com/foster.htm http://www.fbicover-up.com http://www.prorev.com/Knwltn.htm http://www.swflink.net/~h...
December 15, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Because I address Conspiracy-History-News I am getting up informationon various issues you may not have heard yet.  One concerns the OKC bombing for which Timothy McVeigh was executed.  I can speak all day and speculate, but here's a investigation report with scanned affidavits, government documents (multiple bombs) and even a video of McVeigh which speaks for itself.  Go to:  http://www.hourofthetime.com/okcbombingcoverup.html  Blog On.
December 16, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Those who wave their flags and believe this President loves the military personnel should read this. I frankly, don't find that historically any State advocates for its' veterans of war. Whether its Stalin sinking barges of returning veterans, Chiang Kaishek(sic) hunting down Mao, or Gen. Patton being hit by two trucks en route home, Government fears its military heroes. There is a aspect of the field of Revolution termed the thermidor, which is that time period in which the vacuum of power is...
December 12, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This excerpt from the publication 'veritas' (truth) and is a major investigatory breakthrough in this field of research. How we have come to be 'voluntary' tax-payers is exposed clearly in this expose. I learned of this article from another web site which is devoted entirely to this issue and links to this article due to its in-depth research of previously un-known facts and it's relevant value. Please link to the page at bottom for full copy found at that site, and an exaustive body of other...
December 14, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
On October 7, 1959, Saddam bungled an assasination of then Iraqi Prime Minister Gen. Abd al-Karim Qasim. He was contracted by the CIA for the job, and his relationship with the American Government was intact until about August 02, 1990 when he invaded Kuwait for slant drilling into his country to steal Iraqi oil. You may as well begin to familiarize yourself with history or you won't understand the present, and certainly not the future. This relationship will be suppressed by the Justi...
December 25, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is an interesting bit to me in two ways. First is the parallel between this stroy and the movie, 'Godfather III' which presents the murder of a Vatican Banker in factually identical manner. There seems much more credibility to these movies than we give them. The second is that on the same day the British announced it was re-opening this investigation, it stated it would not investigate the murder of Princess Diana. This decision was made despite the discovery of a note written by her a...
December 25, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Being as how Hinckley is about one step from total freedom, I thought this little bit of under-reported history worthy of mention. Feel free to comment, or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net EXCERPT BEGINS -Caveat Lector- Hinckley And Bush Families Were Close Friends http://www.tomflocco.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=28&mode=&order=0&thold=0 Everyone knows who John Hinckley, Jr. is. This youngest Hinckley son is now being permitted unsupervised visits within the Washington, DC metr...
December 22, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
Please refer to the link at bottom for more in-depth coverage of the events of 9/11 and who was responsible, or knew and negligently failed the Nation in time of crisis. This article tip-toes over the story as where I stomp on it with clod-hoppers but I do so because it is being largely withheld from the public's awareness by the 'controlled-media' and it bothers me that fellow Americans died or were injured and those responsible are acting to silence their stories and claims for political gain...
December 18, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
If a Republican Chairman of a Investigation Committee speaks agains the present Bush Administration, does that make him a whining spineless Liberal or just a Terrorist we need protection from? Here it is in a Republicans own words. Feel free to comment or e-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog On. ARTICLE BEGINS -Caveat Lector- Gee, I'm holding my breath. Oh, it's just incompetence? - JR http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/12/17/eveningnews/printable589137.shtml -----------------...
December 17, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
This is another one concerning Hussein and the U.S. Government, and more specifically the Bush family for over 40 years. I am not yet up to speed on this so won't claim it's true or false for now, but it is news you won't get in 'controlled-media' so I put it up for you to read. Feel free to post comment or e-mail at: wahkonta@graffiti.net Blog On ARTICLE EXCERPT -Caveat Lector- Missing U.S.-Iraq History By Robert Parry In These Times -- Dec. 16, 2003 http://www.inthesetimes.com/c...
December 16, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
The article that follows is excerpted from the site linked. With the exception of his mention of federal use of revenues, I find it a angle of research which is definitely going to get controlled-media attention. the thesis addresses an aspect of freemasonic modus operandi as well and I willbe glad to discuss this issue with any who post comment. I may be reached by e-mail at: wahkonta@graffiti.net. Thanks for the read and Blog On. ARTICLE EXCERPT BEGINS HERE -Caveat Lector- ...
December 16, 2003 by Wahkonta Anathema
I post this as invite to those interested in Constitutional history and the state of our Empire today. I have written a semi-book on the time period from 1750 through the election 1800, and it does quite a job on the Constitutional Convention of 1787, alleging it to be a coup that made America a vassal state for Great Britain. I believe no one can understand or properly solve our present woes without a new Costitutional Convention and return to a state similar to the Articles of Confederacy ...
January 24, 2004 by Wahkonta Anathema
Concerning the Federal Income Tax. Remeber 'caveat lector' and don't go refusing to pay taxes until you know your rights and how to go about claiming your legal exemption on this. I also have an in-depth blog on this topic as done by Bill Cooper in my archive. Feel free to comment. Blog On. EXCERPT BEGINS SEN. HATCH'S ATTORNEY SEES 16TH AMENDMENT AS BOGUS AFTER INVESTIGATION http://rightonthemark.com/warren%20richardsom.htm WARREN S. RICHARDSON, J.D. Attorney at Law May 5, 2000 ...