Are You Ready For Saddam's Trial Yet?
Published on December 14, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In History
On October 7, 1959, Saddam bungled an assasination of then Iraqi Prime Minister Gen. Abd al-Karim Qasim. He was contracted by the CIA for the job, and his relationship with the American Government was intact until about August 02, 1990 when he invaded Kuwait for slant drilling into his country to steal Iraqi oil. You may as well begin to familiarize yourself with history or you won't understand the present, and certainly not the future.
This relationship will be suppressed by the Justice Corp. for America but it is still a fact Americans should be aware of in the event Saddam can get the fact of how he came to possession of little goodies such as W.M.D. which he got from the United States Government. How do you think that the U.S. military knew exactly which chemical agents to innoculate troops with and equip them out in preparation for Saddam I ,conducted by President George Herbert Walker Bush; or Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf decided to blow up the Iraqi file center and remove all paperwork BEFORE letting troops go in? Do you think maybe, just maybe, Saddam may have a few papers such as Bills of Sale, telephone records, or even witnesses to any of this?
Anyway, the story follows. Feel free to comment on this blog or e-mail

ARTICLE AS EXCERPTED (link at bottom)

Exclusive: Saddam key in early CIA plot
By Richard Sale
UPI Intelligence Correspondent
Published 4/10/2003 7:30 PM
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U.S. forces in Baghdad might now be searching high and low for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, but in the past Saddam was seen by U.S. intelligence services as a bulwark of anti-communism and they used him as their instrument for more than 40 years, according to former U.S. intelligence diplomats and intelligence officials.

United Press International has interviewed almost a dozen former U.S. diplomats, British scholars and former U.S. intelligence officials to piece together the following account. The CIA declined to comment on the report.

While many have thought that Saddam first became involved with U.S. intelligence agencies at the start of the September 1980 Iran-Iraq war, his first contacts with U.S. officials date back to 1959, when he was part of a CIA-authorized six-man squad tasked with assassinating then Iraqi Prime Minister Gen. Abd al-Karim Qasim.

In July 1958, Qasim had overthrown the Iraqi monarchy in what one former U.S. diplomat, who asked not to be identified, described as "a horrible orgy of bloodshed."

According to current and former U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Iraq was then regarded as a key buffer and strategic asset in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. For example, in the mid-1950s, Iraq was quick to join the anti-Soviet Baghdad Pact which was to defend the region and whose members included Turkey, Britain, Iran and Pakistan.

Little attention was paid to Qasim's bloody and conspiratorial regime until his sudden decision to withdraw from the pact in 1959, an act that "freaked everybody out" according to a former senior U.S. State Department official.

Washington watched in marked dismay as Qasim began to buy arms from the Soviet Union and put his own domestic communists into ministry positions of "real power," according to this official. The domestic instability of the country prompted CIA Director Allan Dulles to say publicly that Iraq was "the most dangerous spot in the world."

In the mid-1980s, Miles Copeland, a veteran CIA operative, told UPI the CIA had enjoyed "close ties" with Qasim's ruling Baath Party, just as it had close connections with the intelligence service of Egyptian leader Gamel Abd Nassar. In a recent public statement, Roger Morris, a former National Security Council staffer in the 1970s, confirmed this claim, saying that the CIA had chosen the authoritarian and anti-communist Baath Party "as its instrument."

According to another former senior State Department official, Saddam, while only in his early 20s, became a part of a U.S. plot to get rid of Qasim. According to this source, Saddam was installed in an apartment in Baghdad on al-Rashid Street directly opposite Qasim's office in Iraq's Ministry of Defense, to observe Qasim's movements.

Adel Darwish, Middle East expert and author of "Unholy Babylon," said the move was done "with full knowledge of the CIA," and that Saddam's CIA handler was an Iraqi dentist working for CIA and Egyptian intelligence. U.S. officials separately confirmed Darwish's account.

Darwish said that Saddam's paymaster was Capt. Abdel Maquid Farid, the assistant military attaché at the Egyptian Embassy who paid for the apartment from his own personal account. Three former senior U.S. officials have confirmed that this is accurate.

The assassination was set for Oct. 7, 1959, but it was completely botched. Accounts differ. One former CIA official said that the 22-year-old Saddam lost his nerve and began firing too soon, killing Qasim's driver and only wounding Qasim in the shoulder and arm. Darwish told UPI that one of the assassins had bullets that did not fit his gun and that another had a hand grenade that got stuck in the lining of his coat.

"It bordered on farce," a former senior U.S. intelligence official said. But Qasim, hiding on the floor of his car, escaped death, and Saddam, whose calf had been grazed by a fellow would-be assassin, escaped to Tikrit, thanks to CIA and Egyptian intelligence agents, several U.S. government officials said.

Saddam then crossed into Syria and was transferred by Egyptian intelligence agents to Beirut, according to Darwish and former senior CIA officials. While Saddam was in Beirut, the CIA paid for Saddam's apartment and put him through a brief training course, former CIA officials said. The agency then helped him get to Cairo, they said.

One former U.S. government official, who knew Saddam at the time, said that even then Saddam "was known as having no class. He was a thug -- a cutthroat."

In Cairo, Saddam was installed in an apartment in the upper class neighborhood of Dukki and spent his time playing dominos in the Indiana Café, watched over by CIA and Egyptian intelligence operatives, according to Darwish and former U.S. intelligence officials.

One former senior U.S. government official said: "In Cairo, I often went to Groppie Café at Emad Eldine Pasha Street, which was very posh, very upper class. Saddam would not have fit in there. The Indiana was your basic dive."

But during this time Saddam was making frequent visits to the American Embassy where CIA specialists such as Miles Copeland and CIA station chief Jim Eichelberger were in residence and knew Saddam, former U.S. intelligence officials said.

Saddam's U.S. handlers even pushed Saddam to get his Egyptian handlers to raise his monthly allowance, a gesture not appreciated by Egyptian officials since they knew of Saddam's American connection, according to Darwish. His assertion was confirmed by former U.S. diplomat in Egypt at the time.

In February 1963 Qasim was killed in a Baath Party coup. Morris claimed recently that the CIA was behind the coup, which was sanctioned by President John F. Kennedy, but a former very senior CIA official strongly denied this.

"We were absolutely stunned. We had guys running around asking what the hell had happened," this official said.

But the agency quickly moved into action. Noting that the Baath Party was hunting down Iraq's communist, the CIA provided the submachine gun-toting Iraqi National Guardsmen with lists of suspected communists who were then jailed, interrogated, and summarily gunned down, according to former U.S. intelligence officials with intimate knowledge of the executions.

Many suspected communists were killed outright, these sources said. Darwish told UPI that the mass killings, presided over by Saddam, took place at Qasr al-Nehayat, literally, the Palace of the End.

A former senior U.S. State Department official told UPI: "We were frankly glad to be rid of them. You ask that they get a fair trial? You have to get kidding. This was serious business."

A former senior CIA official said: "It was a bit like the mysterious killings of Iran's communists just after Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in 1979. All 4,000 of his communists suddenly got killed."

British scholar Con Coughlin, author of "Saddam: King of Terror," quotes Jim Critchfield, then a senior Middle East agency official, as saying the killing of Qasim and the communists was regarded "as a great victory." A former long-time covert U.S. intelligence operative and friend of Critchfield said: "Jim was an old Middle East hand. He wasn't sorry to see the communists go at all. Hey, we were playing for keeps."

Saddam, in the meantime, became head of al-Jihaz a-Khas, the secret intelligence apparatus of the Baath Party.

The CIA/Defense Intelligence Agency relation with Saddam intensified after the start of the Iran-Iraq war in September of 1980. During the war, the CIA regularly sent a team to Saddam to deliver battlefield intelligence obtained from Saudi AWACS surveillance aircraft to aid the effectiveness of Iraq's armed forces, according to a former DIA official, part of a U.S. interagency intelligence group.

This former official said that he personally had signed off on a document that shared U.S. satellite intelligence with both Iraq and Iran in an attempt to produce a military stalemate. "When I signed it, I thought I was losing my mind," the former official told UPI.

A former CIA official said that Saddam had assigned a top team of three senior officers from the Estikhbarat, Iraq's military intelligence, to meet with the Americans.

According to Darwish, the CIA and DIA provided military assistance to Saddam's ferocious February 1988 assault on Iranian positions in the al-Fao peninsula by blinding Iranian radars for three days.

The Saddam-U.S. intelligence alliance of convenience came to an end at 2 a.m. Aug. 2, 1990, when 100,000 Iraqi troops, backed by 300 tanks, invaded its neighbor, Kuwait. America's one-time ally had become its bitterest enemy.

END EXCERPT. TO VERIFY CLICK LINK BELOW. Just the facts, and let the chips fall where they may.

on Dec 14, 2003
The US sent Stalling billions of dollars in aid to fight the Germans.

The real world is an ugly business.
on Dec 15, 2003
It is a inevitable that the "ugly" of the American side will be covered up. Yet it still doesn't in anyway condone Saddam's brutality.
on Dec 15, 2003
Thanks for the comments. I foresee a possible assasination in prison for Saddam, as the facts cannot be allowed to come out in a trial unless they set up a kangaroo Court system for him with no right of defense allowed. The things he is privy to as Head of State, will make his case worse than Noriega's, who spoke a third world language. This is a literate population and there is a significant segment of them who will seek to get infromation out using his trial, and that I do not see happening. He'll be killed before trial, or given a sham one with no reporting of what is said allowed to silence history as best they can. The need for damage control will outweigh justice in his case. What do you think?
on Dec 16, 2003
Was it not the prophet Mohamed who said" my enemies enemy is my friend" ?
Is it not wise to keep your friends close, and your enemy closer ?
Throughout modern history it is known that leaders make pacts, choose and discard allies, and change direction when it is in their best interest.
Since the time before the Pyramids, leaders have plotted.
To win at chess you must use and sacrifice many pawns and knights to reach checkmate.
on Dec 16, 2003
I thank you for your post on this relevant subject. Having re-read the post then this board I do not follow. I am not Machiavellian in my political philosophy and find followers of such doctrine to be a major part of the problem in European history. If by keeping enemies closer you mean supply Saddam Hussein with guns to assasinate heads of State, or to give him sarin gas to slaughter dissenters, I would dis-agree. Keeping him closer to us was not in the best interest of anyone who supports freedom for the Iraqi people, or our own youth now being wounded and dying in the guerilla theatre we've created. History teaches it was never a concern of ours what other Nations did as long as they stayed out of our backyard. Under such a foreign policy we thrived while the world was repeatedly bogged down in war and dispute. Think of how far advanced France and England could be today were they not at each others throats with such dis-honorable behavior in their Heads of State for hundreds of years. The credibility of a people is reflected in their leadership, and we are not trusted in most of the world. This is a recent development in our history, and that I am shunned and slandered as an 'American' is bothersome and has affected the youths sense of pride in a country where pride was once a given. I could care less if the Iraqi people want to live like animals or be a highly ranked democracy, I do not care for it is none of my business. If I am honorable, talk softly and carry a big stick, I can have the respect of all, friend and enemy alike. If I don't, but sneak,lie, cheat, and steal, I have no one's. finally, who would the sacrificed pawns and knights be? I hope they aren't the young men and women who are dying in a foreign land, or the soldiers who were ordered to pick up the Haitan trash after we re-installed a dictator there - and are still there. What checkmate is, I won't even speculate on. Being a chess player I know it to be a very honorable above- board game, where to try to cheat is to be caught and shunned forever. This isn't a chess game, these are living humans, members of our species, wherever they are, and I do not want 'Empire' to rule them as my ego is satisfied with what I see inside. Sorry if I missed your point or vented too harshly,for pragmatism was wrong in Pres. Clinton's policies and it is wrong in Pres. Bush's policies as well. If the end is death, then the means are wrong or the last option available.