I have been seeing red all morning as to the announcement of Greenspan we should consider tampering with American Citizens social Security. I have posted a link to an article on the subject for you to get some idea of what is going on with it. Later I want to put up some more but have to go for now. Please feel free to refer me to more information on the matter or comment. I am very upset as to them taking more hard-earned money from Americans who paid into it all their working lives. It'...
More reasons to not support this Administration for four more years. This time it's the Universities and anyone who takes so much as a photograph. Don't worry though, they said it's all just to catch Sadam types who are going to nuke us if we don't let them do all this to us. Four more years? Yeah, right. EXCERPT BEGINS Bush attacks American "evildoers" and "madmen" who want to exercise their First Amendment rights. By Regis Sabol Once again John Ashcroft's Department of Injustice h...
More information for parents of children concerning vaccines and your child. I have read of accounts of autism now beiong well beyond a epidemic in the United States and the only emerging common link is the children's vaccines. Hope it helps some kid somewhere to put this up for parents who care for what their kids are being given. EXCERPT BEGINS By Melissa Ross First Coast News Five-year-old Ryan Anderson of Jacksonville Beach is an animated, happy child. But that wasn't always the c...
Another article which goes with the post I did on the new F.B.I. This one shows how censorship of advertising rights will be used to stop opposition to incumbent Candidates this year. EXCERPT BEGINS Nat Hentoff Supreme Court's Gag Rule on Us 'The Powerful Have Only Gotten More Powerful' January 23rd, 2004 1:30 PM In covering the Supreme Court's historic cutting down of the First Amendment right of individual Americans who belong to independent organizations to get their views expres...
In one of many reasons to oppose the 'Patriot Act' this article discusses the use of the F.B.I. to suppress free speech against this Administration in ways we've not seen since the Vietnam protest days. Here's an article from the Village Voice which Americans who disagree with this President should be aware of. EXCERPT BEGINS J. Edgar Hoover Back at the 'New' FBI Classified FBI Bulletin Reveals Tactics at Protests December 4th, 2003 5:00 PM If you go around telling people, "We're goi...