Published on February 23, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Health & Medicine
Reading Horowitz's "...Emerging Viruses" is an eye opening experience. He shows the mutation of virus and gives locations of German labs that work on such in Zaire, Africa. Her we see how Virology's gone amuck with introduction into humans intentionally.




Interpretive Summary:

Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a mosquito-borne viral disease that infects pigs, horses, and humans in many areas of the Far East and Southeast Asia. Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection of pregnant swine can cause abortion, and many of the successfully delivered offspring suffer irreversible brain damage. JEV infections of humans or horses can result in a severe brain infection known as encephalitis. Current vaccines for JE consist of chemically inactivated viruses prepared from JEV-infected suckling mice. Preparation of these vaccines is dangerous and time consuming. In an attempt to develop new vaccines, we have been engineered and tested genetically engineered poxviruses that encode a some of the protein immunogens of JEV. These poxviruses have been shown to be safe and effective vaccines for JE in mice and swine. The current work describes the further characterization of these recombinant poxviruses. Specifically, we have demonstrated that these viruses can be safely administered to human volunteers, and that the vaccinees produced immune responses, including antibodies and cytotoxic (killer) T- lymphocytes (cells) that are capable of destroying JEV-infected cells. However, immune responses were reduced in vaccinees who had a history of vaccination against smallpox.


virology aphthovirus disease recombinant dna receptor


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Approved Date: 1999-01-14

United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service

Updated: 1999-01-16
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at:
Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa
Go with God and in Good Health

on Feb 24, 2004
how long do you think before a biochem agent is 'accidentally' relaesed from a us lab? that osama will 'turn up' or that there will be another 'terrorist' attack on us soil just in time for the election? i don't know if you saw, but we are opening new bio-defense work in existing labs in CA & NM. defense my ass. i wonder what it would take to provoke a spill outside SF of the newest bio agent?
on Feb 24, 2004
btw, i get the Anathema part, where does Wahkanta come from? Native?
on Feb 25, 2004
Actually, I'll wager it's the 'anathema' part you don't get. It is a trick of wordplay that makes a point as to my true identity. I used it to stump my brother, who teaches philosophy, letting him harangue me about it for a full five minutes before revealing that it is for the exact reasons he used that I selected it as my name. Go check it out in-depth and tell me what you find.

Wahkonta is a bastardization of a Native word for God. I drop the final 'H' at the end so people don't get too p.o.'d at me for bad taste. It breaks down along lines of 'leader of the good spirits', roughly. I actually use it as, I all but OWN the term on the net. This gives me a sense of where my work is or has been mentioned by punching it into any search engine. My friend 'grugyn' came up with the idea and I find it quite useful.

With regard to the article, the whole virus gig is damning to anyone who studies up on virology. What they are finding is that the strains that are devastating the earth today were first isolated years ago by CDC and military labs. So when you see a 30 year old virus emerging without mutation, there is only one explanation reasonable.
A check on the 'Club of Rome' will show that such 'alternatives' as killing of people by disease was discussed by blue-bloods as early as 1963. Of course the whole 'Planned Parenthood' organization finds it's origins in the eugenics of Nazi Germany, so the tale has some twists to it you must follow to get down to it.

I have no doubt that America's government had full knowledge of the effects of uranium depleted shells prior to Johnny Soldier going blind in his sight eye, and the babies born with exoskeletons by the thousands in Iraq. They know they are rendering a portion of the geography of the planet un-inhabitable by this act and it is done right in front of us which is the best place to hide a crime. Look at the death rate and birth rate and you'll see how effective the plans now being implemented as the Club of Rome said they should be.

I tell my family never forget the so-called Physician is wearing a serpeant on his chest when you go see him/her.

Thanks for the reply and blog ON.
on Feb 25, 2004
Thanks for the background here. I just posted a story on DU yesterday, different site. The US has just restarted biodefense research at Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos, within the last couple months along with new funding. Anathema to my understanding is excommunication with a curse, so not sure what that means in full with your brother, but you did answer my question. And a good idea you're using for web search, etc.
on Feb 25, 2004
have you heard of these 'mysterious' deaths of microbiologists over the past several years?
on Feb 25, 2004
Jeff Allison: Yes I have and have some information in my archive I believe. The number is in excess of 23 at this point. To tell people is to be a nut case, as they hold tough to the belief government does no wrong only we the People do. Heck, they shot Vince Foster in the parking lot of the White House and no one hardly batted an eye. Incredible how difficult it is to get through to people that there is serious wrongdoing going on.

Oh, man they laid two teenagers on the railroad tracks at Mena, because they witnessed the boxcars of cocaine coming into Clinton's backyard, and no one will wake up to how foul these people are. They say, "but Dan Rather didn't report it so it must not be true". Physical bodies are recorded as dead, and they still say it's made up. You can show them photos of dead people and they'll swear it is a trick; brainwashed pure and simple.

Also, you'll have to look for the origin of anathema real good, as this is the common used Latin version. Go to the greeks and you'll find an ancient version of surprising meaning.
on Nov 26, 2004