Up $20,000.00 Since Bush
Published on January 26, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Consumer Issues
Some numbers on the American debt machine and how it has increased since Bush took office. Someone please call Bill Clintonm and ask him how to win. He'd yell, "It's the economy stupid".

The U.S. has become the most highly indebted nation in the world, with an immense and growing debt burden on America's households.

U.S. living standards are falling.

Yet, precisely in response to falling living standards, and in order to purchase the most basic necessities, households borrow and add on to their debt.

The underlying process, which digs households deeper and deeper in the hole, makes the debts unpayable.

Between 1970 and 2003, Total U.S. Debt followed a hyperbolic path, rising from $1.63 trilion to $38.85 trillion, a 23-fold increase.

During the same time period, U.S. Household Debt, which is a subsector of Total U.S. Debt, and which consists of home mortgage debt, credit card debt, and installment debt (to purchase cars, refrigerators, etc on installment plans), zoomed from $460 billion, to $9.44 trillion.

- Table 1 -

Total U.S. Debt, and U.S. Household Debt, Expressed on a Household Basis, 1970-2003

U.S. Household Debt Total U.S. Debt Per Household Per Household

1970 07,259 025,737
1980 17,350 058,311
1990 38,545 153,093
2000 67,589 274,930
2001 72,884 294,292
2002 79,311 314,696
2003 87,266 340,650

source: U.S. Federal Reserve Board "Flow of Funds Accounts"; U.S. Treasury Department; U.S. Commerce Department;

Table 1 shows each U.S. household is crushed under the burden of $87,266 of Household Debt per household.

Two things must be kept in mind.

First, that leading the growth of U.S. Household Debt is home mortgage debt; during the last 5 years, a huge percentage of home mortgage debt represents cash-out refinancing, in which households borrow against their homes as collateral, to extract cash to make necessary household purchases.

Second, some wealthy families and some elderly families have little or no debt, which means that numerous other families have household debts of $150,000, or $300,000 or more.

It is dramatically noteworthy that between the end of 2000 and the end of 2003, the volume of Household Debt per household climbed by $20,000.

Druing the Cheney-Bush collapse process, households piled on the debt, in order to barely persevere.

Table 1 also shows that between 2000 and 2003, Total U.S. Debt, borne per household, rose from $274,930 to $340,650,
a stunning increase of more than $65,000 in but three years.
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on Jan 26, 2004
The tax cut didn't help much, apparently.
on Jan 26, 2004
Thanks. But I am not surprised. The whole thing with money is a joke. They just keep making it even though they have no viable source of materalistic value to back it. In the old days it was way different. There wasn't credit. Money printed was based upon the amount of gold, etc. that you owned.
on Jan 26, 2004
This past x-mas was a joke to watch. The pundits and economists insisted we couldn't buy things because of the snow and the war. People have mortgaged their kids home twice already and there is just no more credit available for Americans. The stock market is a joke as well. I saw a 60 minutes show in which it was revealed that the retirement funds of the firefighters is invested with nations who are defined as terrorist States. Does our 'Homeland Security' act to remedy this? Hell no because it's Haliburton, Brown& Root, etc. the very people who keep them funded for re-election and in power over us. It's a charade and they know it.

I, for the life of me, cannot understand why the Democrats are allowing the 'controlled-media' to control the debate so thoroughly as to squelch any discussion of the economy. I just watched this clown, Denis Miller repeatedly cut off the only Democrat on the panel of 4 as she tried to even mention the economy.

They tell us pay no attention to that sucking sound of hundreds of thousands of American skilled labor jobs going to dictatorships and scum of the earth. This week it's Kraft laying off what, 2,500 and an equal number of Kodak people. and I mean skilled careers cut off after 19 years to steal their retirements, 3 and 4 careers for a person who could afford but one degree. What does the President say? It will make us more 'competitive'. Huh? Someone has to stand up and tell these thieving liars this is not a football game here, it's our lives, our fortunes, our SACRED HONOR.

The thought these kids, the first generation to not have more wealth passed on to them in the history of the Nation, are going to grow up with their hand blithely over their hearts for America is equally questionable. These kids have watched the society divorce and physically remove their fathers from the home in the booming divorce industry, seen the family fall into hidden poverty of generic products in the cupboard, laid-off parents whose jobs are sent to Mexicans by the 'icons' of the Society, and hear this jibberish in the schools such as its a sin to be a white male, and so much as pointing a finger at another student is an act of assault (zero-tolerance), and just throw their hands up. "What the F----" is the most commonly used phrase by our own youth. I really think the fundamental change in this Country is happening right under our arrogant noses. It's in the lyrics of the CD player the kids listen to on the way to school, the shirts they wear, the self-mutilated pierced bodies and even faces...

I could go on and on, but the point is, that we are economically dying as a Nation and no one wants to talk about it, as if it's our fault and whacko to think a measly tax rebate check is a scam. We're talking give the people back a hundred -or so- of their own hard earned dollars and they are supposed to thank the kindness and generosity of the leaders. You think Bush can buy MY vote?

I tell college-aged kids all the time, just look at what they are doing to you. They tell you to fill out a form and mortgage your own future freedom, and they will then hand you a check and let you go give it to their friend at the University and he'll let you sit in a chair at his College, and then you can pay the interest after it accumulates for four years at pre-set schedule to keep you poorer than a farmer who milked cows while you were away. These kids are starting the most productive and creative years of their lives absolutely buried in debt, and for what? The job security of knowing at any time your career will be given to an ILLEGAL alien? These kids are not as stupid as we think and know that no hope means all bets are off. Nothing to lose means nothing to lose. Once again, in Chorus: Can I get a, "WHAT THE F----?!!"