War Against a Whole People
Published on January 19, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Current Events
More information on our ally in Zion.
By Teresa Michelle Rossomando
jan 11, 2004, 17:21

This isÂMs. Rossomando's second article of her series on Palestine. Her first article,Âwas published January 7, 2004 by Axis of Logic. Look for future articles in this new, important seriesÂin the near future, published exclusively at Axis of Logic!

"The coalition agreement between Likud and Ihud Leumi (National Union)-Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Is Our Home) appears to raise questions about any potential Likud olive branches. Ihud Leumi-Yisrael Beiteinu is an amalgam of two formerly independent parties that represents the extreme right-wing of the national unity government. In the past, Rahavam Ze'evi, the leader of Ihud Leumi, has advocated the 'transfer'--a polite term, in the opinion of some detractors, for forced expulsion of all Palestinians from 'Greater Israel.'"
Are we surprised that mass expulsion is being discussed on the Knesset floor? Are we fooled by the use of the various euphemisms intended to disguise Sharon's intent to expel Palestinians forcibly? From where I sit, the process was set in action well more then three years ago, exactly described within The Israeli Generals' Plan. The plan outlines total destruction of the Palestinian infrastructure. It relies upon long time favorite strategies of Israel's Generals; Provocation & Revenge. The Plan was meant to back up Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's and General Shaul Mofaz's true Objective. What is that Objective?

According to Victoria Buch of MachsomWatch, in a speech made at a Peace Now vigil outside the prime minister's residence, Jerusalem, Nov. 29, 2003, Ariel Sharon's true objective has always been "Greater Israel ("Eretz Israel HaShlema") from Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, in which the Palestinians will be supplanted by settlers. For Sharon and Mofaz, the Palestinians are a pest by definition - not potential partners for coexistence. When Sharon is talking about striving to uphold the security of the state, that is what he means. In other words, he aims to repeat, in a big way, the "exercise" of 1948." (scroll down to the 7th Press Release on that page).

We don't have to take her word for it. In the CRS Report for Congress (download PDF), dated March 9, 2001, issued just after Ariel Sharon was elected, entitled Israel: National Unity Government and Implications for the Peace Process, records the signing of a coalition agreement between Likud and Ihud Leumi. The report states, "the coalition agreement between Likud and Ihud Leumi (National Union)-Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Is Our Home) appears to raise questions about any potential Likud olive branches. Ihud Leumi-Yisrael Beiteinu is an amalgam of two formerly independent parties that represents the extreme right-wing of the national unity government. In the past, Rahavam Ze'evi, the leader of Ihud Leumi, has advocated the 'transfer'--a polite term, in the opinion of some detractors, for forced expulsion of all Palestinians from 'Greater Israel.'"

At the top of 2001, Ariel Sharon signed the coalition agreement with Ihud Leumi guaranteeing his solidarity to Greater Jerusalem. Assorted press outlets have played a variety of guessing games in attempting to decipher his rhetoric since. All things considered, Victoria Buch's rings loudly the bell of truth to sound the alarm: Sharon has long time intended to repeat the "exercise" of 1948. For three years just stalling for time.

The exercise to which she refers is otherwise known as Al Naqba or the Palestinian Catastrophe. Well what a surprise! The "exercise" to which Buch's refers has been one denied by Israel's official doctrine to this very day. The Catastrophe was responsible for a handful of genocidal massacres as well as the forced exodus of 700,000 Palestinians. Presently, the forced transfer being considered will target the whole Arab Palestinian population. Potentially, this may also include those Palestinians living within Israel proper, generally classified as Israeli Arabs.

The Israeli Generals' Plan, was picked up by Jane's Foreign Report in July of 2001. As outlined, it was meant to work in tandem with Benny Elon's Transfer Proposal: Ethnic cleansing (aka transfer) to Jordan. The removal of a population from a specified area, the definition implies that it can be done without loss of life. However, it is unlikely that a government will be able to implement such a program without meeting resistance. Great lose of Palestinian life has already occurred during the enactment of this "exercise." If Sharon and his Generals, along with Washington's Neo-conservative cabal prevail, more innocent life loss will surely follow.

The Rome Statute defines forced transfer as a crime against humanity (Article 7, Paragraph 1(d)): "Deportation or forcible transfer of population," and further elaborates (Article 7, Paragraph 2(d)): "Deportation or forcible transfer of population" means forced displacement of the persons concerned by expulsion or other coercive acts from the area in which they are lawfully present, without grounds permitted under international law." These are the Zionist policies aimed at solving their "Arab Problem." The very same policies the Arabs Of Palestine were in opposition to leading to the Great Arab Rebellion of 1936. The same policies they remain in opposition to now. Zionist policies developed in a conscientiously inconspicuous manner guided by Chaim Weizzman's famed proposals in the 1930's. Transfer, both voluntary and compulsory, (with no compensation), discussed in a very secretive manner throughout the mandate period, can be traced back to the late 1800's. It being a principle tactic behind what, the daughter of Israel Rokach who was Minister of the Government of Moshe Sharett, Livia Rokach calls the Pax Israelica.

Israeli strategy has hidden their aggressive land expansion behind infamous strategies of "provocation and revenge." Add their use of exaggeration of threat to Israel by way of misinformation campaigns utilized throughout the years, along with premeditated propaganda campaigns; the facilitation of media blackouts in the Western corporate media; what one has is a formula for the creation, manipulation and maintenance of world sympathy. These constitute a number of the aggressive factors that has allowed Government of Israel (GOI) to target and vilify the whole of the Palestinian people over half a century's time and have it publicized as defense whereby the victims themselves are blamed. These same strategies are evident in The Israeli Generals' Plan, the methodical precursor for systematic massive forced expulsion.

Consistent with Israeli long held, hard line right-wing objectives, one need only go back one year, spring of 2003 to recall Benny Elon's strange trip to Washington in an effort to pitch a proposal for the transferring of all Palestinians to Jordan. During this trip he managed to take a little tour of the Bible Belt. Both Christian and bi-partisan Political Zionists do always come in handy at the Masquerade Ball. For those aware of the Israeli Generals' Plan, Benny Elon's little odyssey was one of the first most overt hints that massive forcible transfer was being pursued as a viable solution, albeit at the time the full justification which would be provided by the continued instigation of violence by GOI, behind a vigilant propaganda campaign of slander against the Palestinian people.

Elon's trip received but passing attention in the US corporate media. There were few quotes that I can recall regarding Bush's thoughts on the matter. Although Sharon acknowledged the existence of the plan as reported in Ha'aretz, at the time he was careful not to embrace it outwardly. After all, success of the Generals' plan needed enough time for its completion, ergo a little shuck and jive and a blackout on important detail in corporate media do tend to come in handy. Instead the media began fingering Hamas as the one and only obstacle to peace. In actuality (or depending upon one's sense of morality), the Israeli Generals themselves, with the help of Wolfowitz et. al. and their well guided media puppets, are conducting all out war against the whole of the Palestinian people, facilitating crimes against humanity. Not one of them peacemakers. For a refresher, an introduction, or the needed historic perspective; one might like to (re)familiarize oneself with an abridged, retrospective rundown of Zionist transfer policies, because spectacle is not yet over.

Presently, the hardliners are chomping at the bit. The Guardian reports, "Many Likud MPs are unhappy, believing that surrendering territory and dismantling more established settlements amounts to a "victory for terrorism". A central committee member, Uzi Cohen, has said he represents a group that intends to present a plan to the congress for the "voluntary transfer" of Palestinians to Jordan." COUGH. In the face of the total destruction that one can see with their own eyes is being conducted, the current encampment of whole villages by Israel's "security fence," called by some, the Berlin Wall, and at the end of a barrel of a gun; in hard line Zionist talk, I guess that suffices as the definition of "voluntary." Sounds to me like "an offer they can't refuse!" Interesting too, the vagueness concerning the group, the hard liner Uzi Cohen represents. Why not make clear he advocates for the hard line right-wing in coalition with Likud?

This has been the determination since before 9/11. The Israeli Generals' Plan being kind of an addendum to the Likud's "A Clean Break--New Strategies for Securing The Realm," working in hand with the Project for the New American Century's, "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (The JINSA Connection). Total destruction followed by ethnic cleansing always the goal of the Generals' Plan, outlined in so many words. Otherwise named government sponsored "Israel's Sacred Terrorism." See Review. Photo ops, sound bytes, and political rhetoric aside, in alternative circles it is common knowledge the Roadmap to Peace was dead in the water. It, and the war in Iraq (what little they tell us from there), a good cover to distract the general public. The status quoâs determination is to suppress this truth.

The Israeli General's plan focuses on the total destruction of the PA, and the detention of the militants (which they calculated to be 40,000). The plan anticipated that, "by the end of the operation, the generals reckon that the president of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat, would have left or been forced to leave the West Bank or Gaza Strip. The members of what the generals call the 'Tunis Diaspora' (those leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization who arrived with Arafat from Tunis in 1994 after the Oslo peace agreement) would be either dead or out of the area. The 40,000-strong Palestinians armed forces would be disarmed and either dead or held in detention camps."

Now, the enclaves (or concentration camps) Israel's Berlin Wall have designed (while at the same time they grab more land), enables them to encamp 10's of 100,000's of Palestinians; men, women, and children. Whole villages, along with that handful of militant activists and, if we must call them, terrorists, currently in rebellion and in opposition to, not only the Israeli General's Plan, but to Greater Israel and the ethnic cleansing that is intrinsic to it's realization. The real point is: it all looks on the up and up as justifiable because the initial syntax of the plan focuses on the annihilation of the infrastructural forces of the "terrorists," who are designated by the plan as the PA security forces. It becomes obscured that the strategy of justifiable retaliation correlates to the constant instigation of violence and aggression, which thereby requires militant engagement of not necessarily the PA security forces, but Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants.

For those that see with their eyes not their ears, however, this plan was a call for an all out war of destruction against the whole of the Palestinian people in preparation for forcible expulsion alla the Elon Plan. This, in contrast to what corporate US mainstream has been telling us regarding the precision of the IDF to be sure to keep "collateral damage" down. It is a ruse. The Israeli General's Plan intended to target the whole of the Palestinian population. Not so surprising when one understands that is what Israel's occupation has done for 36 years.

There have been a number of key mainstream media blackouts which have given GOI the leeway it needed to complete its plan. The mainstream media blackouts meant to hide the reality: Ramallah, Jenin, Rafah, A-Ram, Nablus a village currently under siege. Systematic destruction of political and economic infrastructure in the densely populated Areas A of the Occupied Territories. Upward to 3,000 people killed in the process, most children. Wanton demolition of residential structures, historic buildings of antiquity, orchards and groves razed to the ground. The obstruction of food deliveries and medical assistance to those villages in crisis, GOI withholding water. No moral concern for what the military calls "measured response." The destructions and barbarities we don't hear about. The US corporate mainstream media implies GOI only dismantles the "terrorist" organization because the PA refuses. They have stuck to that story since the Generals' Plan was launched, not after the Passover Bombing in 2002, but right after the Attack on America on September 12, 2001, with a massive IDF insurgence into Ramallah.

The US corporate media have rarely reported on the Israeli Palestinian conflict with any real balance or fairness to both sides. Their coverage focuses on the refusal of the utterly smashed PA to dismantle the "terrorists" and the many children throwing rocks, now desperately being described as massive boulders endangering the lives of IDF soldiers who fight with tanks and missiles. Interestingly even the use of boulders only serves to prove for the most part the populations under IDF assault are unarmed. Children areÂfighting a war against constant IDF insurgence.

The PA has no current control of the "terrorists." Even if PA security forces gathered them together, PA jails were all bulldozed to ruble. All reported in Ha'artz now almost a year ago. US media tells us Arafat is ordering the terrorism and keeps us informed of only the suicide bombings. "Informing" us this is the obstacle to peace. Israeli's the only victims. No mention of Israel's Assassination Policies which have been in swing since 2000.

Israel's assassination policy wasn't reported in mainstream till this past September and when it was reported it was reported as a "new" policy. What we heard was that it was a reprisal for the Jerusalem Bus Bombing which occurred on August 19, 2003. What we didn't hear was that it came 4 days after August 15 assassination of Muhammed Sidr, the commander of Islamic Jihad's Quds Brigades in Hebron. This a familiar dynamic; a percentage of suicide bombings triggered by Israeli assassination. The first suicide bombing in 1994, came six months after Baruch Goldstein, a Kahanist settler opened fire in a Mosque killing 29 Palestinians at prayer. He was given status of a Saint. Lack of continuity in reporting or a delay tends to distort chronologies, as well as facts, makes for a one-sided story.

General Shaul Mofaz, however, gave his intent away himself with his choice of words by the end of the Israeli Generals' plan, for which the US has given clearance. Up until the second to last paragraph of the plan, the general was always careful to utilize the appropriate semantics. However, in his lustful haste the following paragraph gives him away. All of a sudden the General drops the qualifier: those 40,000 of the Palestinian armed forces (military personnel) which the plan supposedly intended to detain or kill. According to Jane's the generals proposal also states:

"The army believes that the Palestinian Authority would be smashed. Interestingly, the generals' proposal also says that as a result of international pressure, some kind of peace force will be sent to the area to protect the Palestinians from the Israeli army. However this would take time: when it arrived, it would be faced with a fait accompli.â

Protect the Palestinians? From what? The plan goes from one of targeting 40,000 PA security forces, to suggesting the Palestinians, a civilian population will need protection. If the plan truly only was meant to target the PA security forces (supposed to be harboring terrorists)--a military target; why would the General anticipate the need for an International Peacekeeping force to protect the Palestinian people--a whole civilian population? Why? Because the Plan was meant to target the whole of the people from the get go, as the Occupation has done for the past 36 years.

What those who have been following this three year Israeli insurgence closely can attest to, is right about now, the General's Plan is pretty much a fait accompli, just as the Israeli General had anticipated. And still the international community waits. When the information is out there and one takes the time to think for themselves, rather than follow the corporate pack and the thought police, it becomes easy to read through the subterfuge.

Consider the many decades of this Pax Israelica, which certainly has targeted thousands of innocent Palestinian lives dead, many more wounded, and the 3-4 million occupied. I would wager this is why those advocates and journalists who are pro peace and Palestinian sympathetic (including myself) sometimes refer to this as Israel's slow-motion dispossession or slow-motion genocide of the whole of the Palestinian people. This War also hinges upon a meticulous use of only that terminology (euphemisms) that I would call Zionist Kosher. Terminology that filters through US corporate media with intent to blur the truth, along with a great delay in reporting. This Plan could be found on the internet well before I happened to stumble across it at the top of last year.

To my knowledge this plan has only been hinted at by one publication that I know of. The Guardian vaguely cited US clearance for Mofaz's plan as a weakness in US strategy. Advising the leash should pulled on Sharon. Try telling that to the PNAC team. This article finally arose two years after Jane's had picked the plan up. With the plan in hand, no one had to guess. The alternative and independent presses domestically and internationally have been covering the conflict with balance. They have more accurately reported on strategy, along with the Israeli destruction and demolitions, with note of the Palestinian prospective. As unworthy victims, the Palestinian prospective is regularly blacked out entirely in the US corporate mainstream media. How redundant must the the alternative outlets be? How obvious does it have to get? Will shame and indignation over this crime against humanity, after the fact, suffice? I guess it might just have to do.

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