Gotta Love the Internet
Published on January 16, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Blogging
For those who want to check it out first hand, here's a link to bloggers in Iraq. Caveat Lector! Some may be propoganda so always begin with doubt and let them prove they are for real and not plants to dis-inform. This is war we are in and some are not nice friends who love us. Be careful of corresponding, as they may attack your main-frame or track your info as well. And please don't betray your Country and our troops serving in a war. Loose lips sink ships. The devil and the enemy in war are not worthy of trust.
on Jan 16, 2004
Give all the anti americans the link to cause SHIT LOADS of TROUBLE!!!!!!!
Personaly I hope the gpigs come rootin round your compy!!!!
Good job DUMB ASS!!!
All this is purely my opinon but well..........
on Jan 16, 2004
My we have a bone to pick, purely opinianated tattoojedi_Could it be that some Americans make a valid argument for the fact Bush lied to go to war? It may not matter to you_cuz you just want to be on the side thats winning. A Follower, see article here called: " More Stupid People"
These Iraqi-I rolli- BLOGs are FAKE, they are frauds. And Attacks from the neo-right can be expected if you hold a different point-of-view and dare print it in the bogus comment section. They are like vultures...and tattoo if you took some time and researched the arguments perhaps you wuld understand why people have become ANTI US POLITICS...not ANTIAMERICAN, geez.
The Iraqi blogs are lies, propaganda-supreme
lies_but it gives the American families 'on the homefront' justification and hope that there soldier boys are doing something that is 'decent, honorable and giving people democracy' what a joke. They are amusing....but can be dangerous. Its propaganda at its finest. Nazi-Bushisms. Anyone who enjoys an unhealthy debate needs to go here...
Glad you put this up, WA. Here are some links to peruse...for the curious_it's like watching a car crash....
"Omar" started out being an Iraqi_till his cover was BLOWN and now hes ( as if this wasn't glaringly obvious SeargantOMAR!!!!)
Healing Iraq
Follow the links Sgt. Omar and Zeyad, The Meopatamian- are good examples of US propaganda in action. Go have a look. Info is free.
Later WA...Thanks for the memories!
on Jan 16, 2004
I let such comments stand on their own and people can see them for what they are. Just putting forth information, what people do with it is on them. The right to know is part of our remaining freedom, and I'll do it as long as allowed. But feel free to comment, I don't mind a bit fellow Americans.