Information request
Published on December 8, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Politics
Today a letter was sent by e-mail to the founder of VisionQuest, Mr. Bob Burton. The letter requests his intervention at one of the facilities where a juvenile has, for the second time in 5 months, suffered physical injury which has gone un-examined or treated by the medical staff. In addition, copies of the communication were sent to three other members of the Board of Directors of that Company, as well as the American Correctional Association, which is a certifying body of such institutions. Any one having any information regarding this Corporation, whether from experience or knows someone who was or is employed by the Corporation is invited to send me an e-mail on this matter at: What is sought is accountability for actions at their facilities. I will be relating the whole story about this Corporation over the next two months, and hope you will stay tuned as I will be glad to also assist others who are seeking accountability for their complaints. This is one of the values of this venue, the ability to form linkages the country-over which assist in action and publicity that could not be otherwise attained but for extreme cost.
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