Published on January 2, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Blogging
We all have blogs here, courtesy of Mr. Joeuser. Now, how do we get the word out about us and make it happen? I have compiled over 200 outside links o this site and we need millons. Let's do a sit down and figerr how to get this site KNOWN. Ask yourself, "If CBS called and said they are doing a report on blogging, and want to interview me about my site, what would I offer them? How have I distinguished myself? Why am I dong this? I need ideas here(besides go jump in a lake, GCJ ,thank you, I love the water), and YOUR gain is mine. Have an index of link pages? got a blog index to attach us to? Feel free to comment ore-mail: I'm new at this and need your self-perceived "insignificant" opinion. Give up any idea and let's see where it goes.
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