We all have blogs here, courtesy of Mr. Joeuser. Now, how do we get the word out about us and make it happen? I have compiled over 200 outside links o this site and we need millons. Let's do a sit down and figerr how to get this site KNOWN. Ask yourself, "If CBS called and said they are doing a report on blogging, and want to interview me about my site, what would I offer them? How have I distinguished myself? Why am I dong this? I need ideas here(besides go jump in a lake, GCJ ,thank you, I love the water), and YOUR gain is mine. Have an index of link pages? got a blog index to attach us to? Feel free to comment ore-mail: wahkonta@graffiti.net. I'm new at this and need your self-perceived "insignificant" opinion. Give up any idea and let's see where it goes.