Preventive Psychiatry Newsletter #61
Published on December 18, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Consumer Issues

More on the drugging of our children by the pseudo-voodoo Psychiatric paractitioners for profit. If you have children, this is must reading material. As the article says, the 'controlled-media' won't inform you or solve the problem. It is YOU and YOUR children, and YOU must become aware of this crime against your family. Your kids can't read it and understand so you have to do it for them. Please help your kids, they're my future too. Feel free to comment or e-mail: Blog On (see other blogs on this subject herein)

-Caveat Lector-
Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA): Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.

From: "Gary Kohls" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Tue Dec 9, 2003 2:22:10 PM Asia/Bangkok

Subject: Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter # 61

Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter # 61

The "Legal" Pharmaceutical Cartel That Is Harming Our Children and Disabling Their Brains with "Gateway" Psychostimulants

Fred Baughman, MD (Fellow, American Academy of Neurology) - 9/23/03

In the Sunday, September 21, 2003, San Diego Union-Tribune, we read at length of the

exceedingly brutal, Tijuana, Mexico, Arellano-Felix drug cartel [G-1,4,5,6]. Nor is this the

first coverage of this or other illicit drug cartels. What we do not find in the pages of the

Union-Tribune or any other US newspaper is coverage of the biggest of all drug cartels, the

legal, licit, psychiatry-pharmaceutical-government-public-education cartel, which, today,

"diagnoses" and drugs twenty percent--ten million--of the schoolchildren of the nation. Nor does it matter

to the psycho-pharm-gov-ed cartel that they have no proof or science, for theirs is an

economic enterprise, just like the Cali, Medellin and Tijuana cartels (small potatoes by comparison).

The drug money is too good, there is so much of it, they are so big and almighty and have so many in government bought-and-paid-for that we, its critics from science, victims-rights, civil rights, and religious groups are but a mosquito on their elephant-butt. They even own the media! Witness my attempts to get the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Atlanta Journal

Constitution to look at the fact that the children--our children--are normal. They are normal, entirely normal--until they are drugged, that is.

Throughout my lifetime I have witnessed the coming of fall joyfully: cooler temperatures, leaves turning, children returning to school, buying our children and grandchildren new clothes, lunch-pails, pens, loose-leafs; but now, scum of an ilk never before seen, would require that each and every one have a psychiatric label and be on an amphetamine (the prescription, gate-way, drug), and of course one label and one poison is just the beginning--their "serious mental illnesses" are all scripted to be life-long. The whole back page of PARADE magazine (Sunday, September 21, 2003) is an amphetamine-speed ad which begins "I see Ally, Not her ADHD."

My granddaughter is named Allie, and she is just as normal as the Ally-in-the-ad, pictured at ballet--the Ally they intend to dope. I say "dope" because there is no disease, there is no patient (until they lie, to make her one), there is no treatment, there is no science, there is no scientific debate, there is no medical legitimacy, and though many MDs are involved in this hideous medical charade, all of them have sold out, the money in making patients (life-time patients) of normal children, is too good to pass up.

NEWSWEEK, TIME and FAMILY CIRCLE, have all featured the same or similar, back-to-school amphetamine-speed ads. NEWSWEEK (9/22/03) features a "scientific" article on so-called ADHD, which mentions each amphetamine by its proprietary name, which cannot be distinguished from the ads themselves.

In Congressional hearings in May of this year, Professor William Carey of the University of Pennsylvania, told the legislators that 17% of the nation's schoolchildren bear such psychiatric labels and are on one or more psychiatric drugs. Most observers suspect the number is more like 20%; 10 million of the nation's 50 million schoolchildren--all of whom had seemed normal at birth (joyously) and till the first day their parents sent them down the school-house path, where deputy-diagnosticians-no-longer-teachers await.

I recently informed the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Atlanta Journal Constitution that neither American Psychiatric Association Medical Director James Scully or National Institutes of Mental Health researcher, Daniel Weinberger, or anyone in psychiatry, or medicine, could provide a single reference to a single proof in the medical-scientific literature that a single mental/psychiatric "illness" / "disorder" / "disease" / "chemical imbalance" is a real abnormality/disease in the brain or body of a single child thus diagnosed and drugged. Without an abnormality/disease, the child is normal. Without an actual disease there is nothing to associate psychiatry and what they do with medicine. Without an actual disease--only contrived illusions of diseases--there is nothing to dissociate them from any illicit drug cartel, anywhere (other, perhaps, than that the latter do not intently target infants, toddlers and children as does pharma-owned psychiatry).

I testified to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce hearing on "Behavioral Drugs in Schools, September 29, 2000, as follows: "For any physician to say any psychiatric condition is a disease is a fraud." David Fassler, MD, representing the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, sitting to my immediate left, said not a word in rebuttal.

What do they care, the billions roll in and will not soon be stopped. Surely, the media, with billions in ad revenues, will not be the ones exposing it or allowing it to be exposed.
EXCERPT ENDS click link for copy verify.

on Dec 19, 2003
This is true for all ages and all "diseases", not just children and mental diseases. Most drugs on the market today are a scam.
on Dec 20, 2003
You make a very good point. Indeed there seems a correlation between most modern disease and newly patented medicines. If you go back in my blog archive you'll see how they deliberately cause autism by putting mercury in tvs shots for infants. When you talk about the 'dumbing down' of americans, it goes to a whole new level to realize the pharmaceuticals are actually trying to cause brain deficiencies in our children.
Consider the acid re-flux medicines which actually cause your stomach to not be able to have its acids break down the foods for proper digestion. Don't think this is a manufactured disease being foisted on people told their gas is a threat so severe they need to shut down their own digestive process to cure it? More to come on that one.
on Dec 20, 2003
The whole reason NORML is having such a hard time legalizing Marijuana is because of the gross amount of money being spent by lobbyist to vote in the direction that the pharmicutical companies desire. Seriously, if pot even has a quarter of the medical value that pro-marijuana users say it does, it could take away hudreds of billions of dollars from these companies. The value of non-psychoactive hemp itself is being fought by the timber industry because just about anything including food and clothing can be made with hemp. Political Science tries to balance the ebb and flow of unemployment vs. new creation. It is on a thin sheet of ice we skate with our economy. I live in pain every day of my life. Although I have become accustomed to it from having it for years there are times in the day when I can't think about anything else but the pain. The pharmacies answer is to give me pain killers and jack up the amount of mg's i take and then put me on stronger ones till you eventually reach oxicotin then they take you off them all for several months which means your body has quit producing it's natural endorphines for quite some time so not only do you have to feel the pain but it is ten times worse. I smoke Marijuana which does not inhibit endorphines from being created it disassociates you from the psychological aspect of the pain so you can think about something else, but because I smoke Marijuana I am a criminal ~sighs~
on Dec 20, 2003
Thank you for your comment. It is very useful to us to hear in your own words the reality of the consequences of outlawed Marijuana. I wonder, do you know the history of 'reefer madness' and how it was created by newspaper and lumber people to gain market share which until that time was virtually free to all? It all goes back to Randolph Hearst and... oh, I'll just put up a link to the scam so everyone can have a look for themselves. The medicinal value of Marijuana is known to all members of the medical community, yet, with the exception of a few, they are part of a very rigidly controlled science, where dissent is frowned upon, and cures are not as important as control of the treatment industrywhich diseases bless them with. We live in a perpetual age of ignorance in this regard, a sort of self-imposed dark age, as most people are sheep by nature, and are programmed to follow 'the Doctor's orders' rather than exercise discretion in concerns for their own health; to do simple things such as ask a second opinion. I have known so many who didn't begin to feel relief from ailments or pain until they went holistic and back to nature, as it were. One friend, plagued by debilitative arthritis for 20 years learned how to create an elixir of plantain and liquor which became the first peace of mind he coulod remember, knowing at the outset of pain symptoms he could ingest a home-made syrup which cost as much as the liquor he mixed it in and the electricity to boil it. Yet the medical profession KNOW these cures, (plantain is a lawn weed we all see daily and even uproot to have only grass in our yard) and deliberately deny this truth from us because they can't profit from such simple and inexpensive cures. Me, I'd have to be bleeding to death with no where nearby but a Hospital to go to it. Just the number of deaths of relatively healthy people who enter and are subjected to the viruses and bacterium infesting the place, who then subsequently die of infection caused by being in that environment is shocking to the average person to learn. AND to pay for the ineptitude and callousness is beyond me. I last went to a hospital for a swollen knuckle which, after three days, seemed to not be capable of natural re-location. The foreign born intern, er, excuse me, DR. on duty, couldn't even read the x-ray to see the clear fracture line at the joint in question. He first diagnosed a fracture which was over ten years old and located on the other side of the hand which was no longer fractured. Then, when told of his error, and still without even looking at the hand, decided it must be a spider bite and prescribed a anti-biotic. No blood test (this was right after a terrorist attack and no interest in what infections came into the building even entered their minds) or questions, just a "Here go spend $40.00 on 20 pharmaceutical pills and don't come see me in the morning. Next." These people are mostly over-paid quacks who see us as numbers, not humans. Well what can one expect from those who wear a uniform with a serpeant on the chest?