Current Events
Published on December 7, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Politics
This is new section of blog which addresses the current political and world events. I have non-mainstream views in this area and base it upon study of history. to my point of view, without proper historical context -what some refer to as a cognitive lense - one will not be able to properly discern the motives of current events. I want to cover the history of the, 'sunni-triangle' and explain the true motives for our presence at strategic transport routes in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some have sent their own child off to fight in this region, and I do sincerely feel for them at this time. I have no qualms at all with the soldiers who are following orders to be there. I do support those troops in the most reasonable manner I see, namely opposing our presence in the region without adequate tactics, strategy, or goals. Clearly, the mission is a failure if we are there to capture Osama Bin Laden or Sadaam Hussein, and the body count and cost in billions of our tax dollars is far too great. Were we to do the same in search of a criminal in our own country, the loss of life and liberty would cause great dissent. I am aware of studies done by 'think-tanks' over two years before 9/11 which concluded the oil companies needed a route to Asia through Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan and to the Sea. It is no coincidence that the Corporations affiliated with this Administration (Bush,Jr. and Cheney) are reaping tens of billions while our youth suffer and die for no reason related to capturing Bin Laden, or Sadaam. I will also be putting up article links to show the various relations between the political players who are using our patriotism to fraudulently reap profits. I want you to know I am neither Republican nor Democrat, preferring to support the candidate I believe has American citizens' interests at heart, without regard for political vehicle used to get heard. It does not matter to me if the candidate I support wins, only that I did my best to vote for the candidate with my countrys' interests in proper perspective. I want to hear what your views on this are as well. My e-mail is:
on Dec 07, 2003
There is no doubt that Bush Inc. has alternative motive behind the Weapons of Mass Deception 'strategery.' Afghanistan might have been an acceptable place to go into considering the Taliban reigned there and caused complete and total oppression. There is no doubt that Afghanistan is liberated. However, Iraq is another issue. I, too, offer my complete and total sympathies to all the brave soldier, marines, airmen and sailors. I fail to understand the motives behind Iraq. Sean Hannity and co. seem to think that we have 'liberated the Iraqis.' I haven't heard more rubbish in my life. Talk to any soldier who has been to Iraq and they will assure you that things are much worse now than they were before. Moreover, we are not wanted in Iraq by the Iraqi people. Before the 'coalition' stepped in, Iraqi people had access to the basic necessities. Now, however, they open their skulls to bullets and expose their bodies to grenades. And remember, the main objective as stated by the CEO of Bush Inc, Bush Jr., was that Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction and that they have failed to show them. Thus, it was the duty of Bush Inc., to capture these weapons. But 9 months later, I haven't heard of any evidence that they existed. Anyway, the point is that I look forward to reading your article showing a relationship between politics and profits.
on Dec 09, 2003
Thank-you for your comments. I really don't know where to start on this topic. I get my news from sources on the net which I have weeded through over the years, preferring the detailed background of the story to the byte-headline-grabbing propoganda the knaves set for fools. I hope to begin to give access to my sources of info. as soon as I learn just what this blogging is all about. I am in class 101 on this and have set one up before I even know what it is much less how to do it properly. I see other blogs with all sorts of pretty fonts, highlights, links and downloaded articles, but can't even find a way to make this a clean paragraph yet. Hopefully it isn't just a scam to get us all signed up in net memberships, though I suspect it's going that way fast from what I've found trying to search blogging on the engines (try finding out WHAT a blog is by typing in, "blog AND how to" to see the thousands of links to blogs or a program for $9.95 . So stay tuned because I've got a massive amount of info to disseminate as soon as I get up to speed. I used to help with a site in the conspiracy-history subject and we had gotten the page to number three most hated on some watch lists when my friend passed away. I've gone to the 'way back machine' search engine and retrieved his site, which had been let go by his estate trustees, and so I'll eventually put it back up as a site having his archive and the hundreds of pages I've written on Amerikan history. Off the top of my head, I'll refer you to the work of Webster Tarpley on the Bush family. He wrote a scathing expose of the elder Bush a few years ago, but the Carlyle Group, Brown&Root, and Haliburton linkages the old man had are in place for the Junior today. Today I'll open a word document and cut and paste some links to refer you to until I can get this going. You know I've heard said that Bush Sr. - ever the idiot the puppet-media told us he was over and over - re-arranged over $500 billion to his control during his twelve years of running things in the White House? Set up then betrayed the Medeillin and cali cartels, got Noriega and his banks; even sent American sons and daughters to get slaughtered and stripped naked in the streets of Somalia because those barbarians were too close to his off-shore oil rig. AND let's not forget how he set up a new friend in the heroin and gun business in Afghanistan, name of something er other Bin laden, I heard. Guess Osama thought Bush would never betray him. Oh, don't get me started! Stay tuned. P.S. was it Bush,Sr. or Bush,Jr. who used his relationship with Sadaam Hussein to get us into more of our best young men and women dying for his money making crimes? Of course, HE ate turkey in Iraq, so that's AT LEAST as much as any single one of those true Americans are doing isn't it?
on Dec 22, 2003
LOL yep I joined this one because it was one of the only free ones on the top 10 list. Thought I would check it out and feel my way around seeing how the people of America are reacting to the current world situation and found many insightful people and articles which made me realize I am not alone. I have known these things before they have happened. My friends are convinced that I am a modern day prophet and I am starting to believe them. The day the towers fell I had a vision of Bush and Iseral. I didn't think much of it until I started blogging here last week. After the initial shock of reading things and knowing that I have had visions or dreams of these incidents and to find written articles by credible people that have been kept under the carpet far from controlled media. It makes me say hmmm ~head spins~