At Least Six 6+ Earthquakes Since 12/21/03
Published on December 27, 2003 By Wahkonta Anathema In Current Events
A lot is indicated by a people who sit and make predictions of disaster for a living. I hear them all the time and note them but move on. Still, this is an article that points out that SOMETHING is happening and it isn't good - at least not for most. George Carlin, the epitamy of nihilism, says, "Pack your bags folks, we're going away...The earth is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas" . The band 'tool' has a line in a song titled "Aenema" that goes, "Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim." Art Bell even wrote a book entitled, "The Quickening" in which he hypothesizes we're heading for disater of cataclysmic proportion.
How do you feel about this? Are we seeing the cup half empty, or is this for real? Personally I think it's real and base it on a very eclectic thesis that the earth is informed by the Sun, which in turn informs us, and a quantum-change in some people's consciousness is occuring. Instead of weapons of mass destruction, or a world of haves and have nots, we're are entering a period in which it will be the knows and know nots. There will be some whose minds are going to begin to open and 'all will be known' to them, the past, present, and future. They will be able to read all minds and discern all our present reality and the 'ether' around us, until now invisible to the eye.
For those who doubt it, consider what a simple thing such as watching a television for years does. Besides dulling the mind on some levels, it also conditions the mind to see at frequency levels never before known to us; to hear at different frequencies as well. I believe that it is assisting the parting of the veil between our reality and the Spirit realm, and some shall commune with Spirit, knowing all things of this world and then some.
I won't address my personal experiences with Spirit here now, except to say that when Spirit speaks, it can fill the mind with a library of knowledge in a fraction of a second. Anyone who has had their life flash before their eyes knows this is possible, for the flash is literally real, and done due to fact the brain seeks a solution to a death situation racing through every bit of information in the brain to find one in a fraction, recounting every second of life at once, thus we call it literally 'life flashing before our eyes.'
This then is an article which lists some recent earth events of unusual proportion, and makes me wonder if there is something to an 'end times' scenario. Feel free to comment, or e-mail:
The sun is putting out more energy during this supposive solar
minimum than we've ever seen in modern times during a solar maximum.
This energy is being put to use by earth in a number of ways with
wild weather (that is now the norm), increased quakes and volcanic
activity, huge icebergs melting and breaking away.

But the major media and the disinfo crew is saying 'All Is Normal'

They & NASA are silent about the number of comets coming through our
solar system, which are entering mainly from the southern
hemisphere. They wouldn't dare mention the connection between what
they still call just dirty-snow-balls (really building planets) and
the suns activity.

The three hottest years since accurate records began to be kept in
1861 have all been in the last six years (2003 being one of them).
They blame the warming on greenhouse gasses our civilization puts
into the air. Mars is also going through global warming. The
Martians must also drive SUV's too of course for this logic to hold

Mark H

* * *

At least Seven 6+ Earthquakes since 12-21-03

6.7 quake struck Southern Iran (over 15,000 dead)

(latest quakes for the last week)

Before the 1970's these quakes would all have been a full point
higher on our degraded Richter scale.

Scientists Closely Monitoring Yellowstone

Recent eruptions, 200 degree ground temperatures, bulging magma and
84 degree water temperatures prompt heightened scrutiny of park's
geothermal activity...

BILLINGS, Mont. -- Yellowstone National Park happens to be on top of
one of the largest "super volcanoes" in the world. Geologists claim
the Yellowstone Park area has been on a regular eruption cycle of
600,000 years. The last eruption was 640,000 years ago making the
next one long overdue. This next eruption could be 2,500 times the
size of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption. Volcanologists have been
tracking the movement of magma under the park and have calculated
that, in parts of Yellowstone, the ground has risen over seventy
centimeters this century.

In July, 2003, Yellowstone Park rangers closed the entire Norris
Geyser Basin because of deformation of the land and excessive high
ground temperatures. There is an area that is 28 miles long by 7
miles wide that has bulged upward over five inches since 1996, and
this year the ground temperature on that bulge has reached over 200
degrees (measured one inch below ground level).

There was no choice but to close off the entire area. Everything in
this area is dying: The trees, flowers, grass and shrubs. A dead
zone is developing and spreading outward. The animals are literally
migrating out of the park.

Then during the last part of July one of the Park geologists
discovered a huge bulge at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. The bulge
has already risen over 100 feet from the bottom of the lake and the
water temperature at the surface of the bulge has reached 88 degrees
and is still rising.

Keep in mind that Yellowstone Lake is a high mountain lake with very
cold water temperatures. The Lake is now closed to the public. It is
filled with dead fish floating everywhere. The same is true of the
Yellowstone river and most of the other streams in the Park. Dead
and dying fish are filling the water everywhere.

Many of the picnic areas in the Park have been closed and people
visiting the Park usually stay but a few hours before leaving since
the stench of sulfur is so strong they literally can't stand the

The irony of all this is the silence by the news media and our
government. Very little information is available from Yellowstone
personnel or publications. What mainstream news stories do appear
underscore the likelihood of a massive volcanic eruption. Though
geologists publicly admit Yellowstone is "overdue," they have been
quoted as stating another massive magma release may not occur for
100,000 or 2 million years. Others close to the story are convinced
that a massive eruption is imminent. A source that has demonstrated
first-hand knowledge of the park's history and recent geothermal
events stated the following: "The American people are not being told
that the explosion of this 'super volcano' could happen at any
moment. When Yellowstone does blow, some geologists predict that
every living thing within six hundred miles is likely to die. The
movement of magma has been detected just three-tenths of a mile
below the bulging surface of the ground in Yellowstone raising
concerns that
this super volcano may erupt soon."

This report was taken from a series of articles, emails and official
on Dec 27, 2003
Good I hope it happens today!
on Jan 10, 2004
I had a friend who was a Navy SEAL in Vietnam. Very ill minded guy who viewed things similar to this. He would say though, "Idon't want to see people die. I want to see them suffer, then die." I think he died in Central America as a mercenary duting the cociane days of Barry Seal, Hocknefus, and that Mena, Arkansas crew of Ollie North and Clinton.
on Feb 05, 2004
I'm trying to get caught up on some of the articles at JoeUser and get the courage to make real comments.
This is a fascinating article! Referring to what you said about Spirit, I've often thought my brother was full of too much knowledge before he or the world was ready for it and that's why he died so young.
I also know that our minds are capable of so much more than we use them for.