Another reason to get rid of Bush
President Bush is clearly vying for title of worst President this country ever had. I go around the net and find he is sabotaging or destroying on just about any topic one can come up with. I really think he is kicking this thing over the cliff as he does not intend to be re-elected. You are aware of my archive on the whys of this matter, but it is becoming so clear now it seems the blog was not at all prescient to say so anymore.
In this day he is now opening the Sequoia forest to logging. Trees that have stood through this nations entire history, untouched by any President ever, are now going to be deliberately destroyed for money. It is an insult to all Americans of any Political party to have such greed and callous disregard for the quality of our lives and state of our Nation.
You name it and he's wrong about it. Here's a couple excerpts on his plans to kill off trees older than America itself:
Under the guise of forest fire prevention, the Bush Administration's Forest Service has proposed logging in California's Sequoia National Monument, home to some of the world's tallest and oldest trees, reaching ages of 3,200 years or more.[1] Also at risk are the Pacific fisher, the California spotted owl, and many other threatened species dependent on ancient forest habitat.[2]
Under the Forest Service's "preferred alternative," 80,000 acres would be opened for logging, including trees up to 30 inches in diameter, a size not permitted in most National Forests throughout the Sierra Nevada.[3] The Forest Service's proposal calls for 180 clearcuts, producing 10 million board feet a year.[4]
In a final insult, the Forest Service plan will actually be subsidized by taxpayers, to the tune of $34 million. Much of that will go toward road building, even though there are already 900 miles of roads in the Monument. And nearly $14 million of taxpayer money will be spent for "mechanical thinning of conifer" -- otherwise known as logging. [6]
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