This article from Reuters, serves to illustrate the point I've made in other blogs that it is our foreign policy in relation to weapons proliferation, which must change or the consequences will be dire indeed. As with any advance in technology, the argument of luddites - in this case the American government - is senseless, no matter how one agrees with it in principle.I introduce it with this essay.


The Una-bomber was a luddite and his arguments were read by me so severly I did a television show on his thesis and went to the local F.B.I. office to tell them my reasonings of why they had not located the person yet. My profile was substantially accurate and I was correct on 8 of 10 points of his identity when at last he was caught.

I am an anti-technocrat and find a great deal of our Nations problems economically are related to our lack of logic in implementing into a technological age the maxims and theories of economists of the 16th through 19th centuries. They made no severe study of the effects of machinery in their works and it was always assumed in such 'monarchial scammed' governments where thes authors lived, the means of production were owned by the man who wrote the check for them. This flies in the face of the fact that the check amount is the result of successful combined efforts of the workers through increased output, efficiency, and innovation. Under this, the check holder is but the representative of all who work for the company. It is a truth that without the combined effort of all employees, the profit from efficient and greater output needed to buy the machine could not have been realized.

It is presently our holding that the means of production are owned by the titular head of the Corporation, and a Board of Dircetors, most of whom do little or no actual productive work, or 'sweat-equity' staking in the machines bought. This realization is the key to our Citizens being able to go to the 30 hour and 20 hour work week rather than lay-offs and 'down-sizing' that results when the 'owner' has no need for humans, and can let the machine make his money, now that he has used them to purchase it.

This is more than a 'marxist idea' and all Citizens should take this paradigm-shift in thinking of themselves, realizing the machines are theirs as a whole and not the titulars' or figureheads who do no labor for its acquisition. I consider it economically sound and a just remedy for our economic problem with wages in our Country.

The thesis of the una-bomber was an accurate description of the problem faced by mankind if we allow technology to continue to encroach on our actual natural and functional lifestyles. Food, clothing, and shelter are needs. A new limo and $20.00 t-shirts are not. The limo is a choice and we do well to be fiscally conservative in our lifestyle, rather than abject consumers and a society which has to cannibalise each others businesses to survive and take, take, take from our fellow-man and woman to be considered successful.

Technology is not evil in and of itself. It can serve mankind well, granting to all the leisure to think and create that is the highest attainment of any culture. Indeed it is more an attribute of developments in energy out put, and marks the great bursts of advances in history more than any other factor. The increase in energy applied to tasks of labor is what makes business succeed, not money, as it has become defined in this 'finance-based' economy.

Technology is inevitable and we must work with it, not for it, or we'll end up like the Americans of the 21st century. These Americans, in increasing numbers, are being reduced to eating left-overs out of trash bins, having no insurance or job prospect when the 'growing economy' of an Administration such as this present one, which pays lip-service to Citizens' labor rights, while business owners add a total of 1,000 (Yeah, I said 1,000, true story) jobs in a whole month.


Understanding the futility of ludditism in economics, we now turn to the topic of nuclear proliferation and apply this same logic to it. We must incorporate these same ideas into our foreign policy and stop with the illogical and barbarian, 'medulla oblongata-centered', approach to nuclear bombs and how to deal with this plague on humanity.

It is as illogical as trying to shoot a machine by the luddite, to think we can deny the requisite knowledge from the earth and so forever stop the proliferation of nuclear technology. It won't work, and all history is opposed to this strategy. If we continue to bludgeon those who seek the same protection for thier own People as we have for ourselves, sooner or later, we'll be nuked for payback.

This is something which should get into all American's bones and chill you to realize. WE WILL BE NUKED in a major American city eventually, if we continue to act toward Sovereign nations as we have and are now doing. Hundreds of thousands of our own Citizens, co-workers, neighbors, and family members will suffer and die in an instant that will forever change the balance of world power and our own future as a Nation. It should be present in your thoughts as you watch the reports of men and women shot to death by 'friendly fire' in front of their young, as we occupy Iraq under the guise of stopping the development and implementation of WMD. We are making enemies, not friends and allies by such acts - whether intentional or accidental. It will neither fade from the memory of mankind nor the individual kid who witnesses it today.

I do not hold we should share the technology. Rather, we should be the type of nation which will have no fear of a foreign State ever wanting to kill us for our past sins. Israel is a life of hell on earth, due to the Zionist policies of deliberate, murderous, genocide being perpetrated on non-Jews by their government. It is our future if we don't stop following their hatred of non-jews and letting them dictate and manipulate our military actions and motives. This savage nation, which believes God tells them they can kill and hate non-Jews, is clearly as insane as a Moslem who believes he will go to heaven if he kills non-Moslems. There's no difference and no RIGHT side in this my fellow Americans. Death and perpetual war are the fruits of this hateful and barbaric, un-civilized paradigm the Jew and Arab are ensnared in.

We should look at this conflagration in the Middle-East as a proof of how NOT to run our own foreign policy. We must become a nation willing to be-friend and negotiate with good-will in the near future. The big stick paradigm is something for playgrounds and bar parking lots, not nuclear Nation-states negotiating how they will interact.

Consider how we used to KNOW how insane the nuclear proliferation between America and the former U.S.S.R. became. Remember? How is this situation different as it is going? We are trying to outfox billions of humans with thinking and intelligent minds. We are betting we can deny them a solution to ONE question forever. This is as stupid as saying you'll build an escape-proof prison. Man's mind, by its very nature, seeks to solve problems - and has done so successfully for eons. Other humans WILL solve the nuclear riddle and build nuclear bombs. It is what they will do with them and whether they will use them on America that should be the guide of our foreign policy and not this ludddite-oriented, and archaic view we can hold mankind in subjection to our own whim forever without consequence. It's as futile as the luddite banging on a machine with a club.

This article points out some of the reality we must come to deal with in time. Gripe about liberal or conservative all you want -as if that will save or comfort the dying masses when it comes to roost in an American city as we are proceeding now - but get with this issue on a serious level. Read it as if it is something YOU AND YOUR LEGACY have a stake in. It is an eventuality we must prepare for or all die -Republicans and Democrats alike.

Hope this gets through to someone. Tomorrow is another day and I'll try again to get through to more. They'll tell a friend, and they'll tell a friend, and so on, and so on...Don't tell me it won't work, our lives may well depend on it. What's your solution?


World May Be Headed for Nuclear Destruction, ElBaradei Says

Thu February 12, 2004 12:51 AM ET

VIENNA (Reuters) - The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Thursday the world could be headed for destruction if it does not stop the spread of atomic weapons technology, which has become widely accessible.

In an opinion piece in the New York Times, Mohamed ElBaradei wrote that nuclear technology, once virtually unobtainable, is now obtainable through "a sophisticated worldwide network able to deliver systems for producing material usable in weapons."

Above all ElBaradei echoed President Bush's call in a speech on Wednesday for states to tighten up the control of their companies' nuclear exports to proliferators.

ElBaradei, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director-general, said the world must act quickly because inaction would a create a proliferation disaster.

"The supply network will grow, making it easier to acquire nuclear weapon expertise and materials. Eventually, inevitably, terrorists will gain access to such materials and technology, if not actual weapons," he wrote.

"If the world does not change course, we risk self-destruction," ElBaradei said.

The father of Pakistan's atom bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan, admitted last week that he and scientists from his Khan Research Laboratory in Pakistan leaked nuclear secrets.

They are believed to have been part of a global nuclear black market organized to help countries under embargo such as Iran, North Korea and Libya skirt international sanctions and obtain nuclear technology that could be used to make weapons.

The massive illicit network has touched on at least 15 countries around the world.

ElBaradei said the 1968 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the global pact aimed at stopping the spread of atomic weapons, needed to be revisited and toughened to bring it in line with the demands of the 21st century.

He said it should not be possible to withdraw from the NPT, as North Korea did last year, while the tougher inspections in the NPT Additional Protocol should be mandatory in all countries. Currently fewer than 40 of the more than 180 NPT signatories have approved the protocol.

ElBaradei said that the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), a 40-nation group of countries that work together to prevent the export of peaceful nuclear technology to countries that might want weapons, needed to be transformed into a binding treaty. "The current system relies on a gentlemen's agreement that is not only non-binding, but also limited in its membership: it does not include many countries with growing industrial capacity," he wrote. "And even some members fail to control the exports of companies unaffiliated with government enterprise," he added.

ElBaradei called for the production of fissile material for weapons to be halted and enrichment technology restricted.

He said people who assist proliferators should be treated as criminals and states should eradicate loopholes that enable sensitive exports to slip past regulators.

He also called on the atomic weapons states who signed the NPT -- the United States, China, Russia, Britain and France -- to move toward disarmament as called for in the pact.

In a clear jab at the United States, which plans to forge ahead with research into the so-called mini nukes, ElBaradei said the world must drop the idea that nuclear weapons are fine in the hands of some countries and bad in the hands of others.

"We must abandon the unworkable notion that it is morally reprehensible for some countries to pursue weapons of mass destruction yet morally acceptable for others to rely on them for security -- and indeed to continue to refine their capacities and postulate plans for their use," he said.

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