I think I got them this time
Published on March 18, 2004 By Wahkonta Anathema In Blogging
I think we have the evidence we need to solve who "SirPeterMaxwell" is. Go check out the post made at: https://www.joeuser.com/forums.asp?MID=96&CMID=96&AID=10591#30281(I hope I link to it right)Link

Okay. Now, this photo shows a remarkable similarity to one's put up by a character named, "GemCityJoe". GCJ has previously done a similar thing to me, using the same technique. What's more telling though is the wry sense of humor of GCJ.

Okay. NOW, GCJ is number two in points as well, second only to Brad. I have seen his points go up about 1,700 overnight. How can this happen? UNLESS GCJ is a co-owner of this site, OR "GEMCITYJOE IS BRAD TOO".

I think he messed up and mixed his identities and their Modus Operandi. Only Brad could give a person so many points in a day. Only GemCityJoe has this sense of humor and style. Therefore I put forth that :

'SirPeter James Henry Maxwell IV" is actually "GemCityJoe";

"GemCityJoe" is actually "Brad Wardell";


Yep. Brad is both "GCJ" AND "SirPeter..."

Bet ya I'm right, and have solved this once and for all. Oooh, I'm good !!

Any one having input please contribute as we have enough to solve it with this post I link to. If I'm not right, I am damn close and someone else has the last clue to solve this forever.

Brad can't delete this as it would prove it. GCJ can't deny it as he has the photo album on the site already. I got the points record too. Sir Peter? Well he can't comment or he'll only give himself away more. We got him. Ha,Ha,Ha. Yeah, I'm good.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 18, 2004
Conspiracy theory indeed.

I don't think Brad could bear to write with SPM's style (which leaves something to be desired, from a writer's perspective). GCJ is also a great writer and an accomplished correspondant. The picture means nothing, since anybody can do that.

Could be, I guess. But I doubt it. In any case, GCJ being SPM is much more likely than Brad being involved.

on Mar 18, 2004
Okay. I have always had trouble with Brad having a sense of humor at all. He doesn't betray his funny-bone if he does. BUT the evidence is there, and the points can only be changed so dramatically by a few people. If the points DECREASED we could look for someone who trolled GCJ. The points INCREASED and this it the tell on it.

GCJ is largely THE comedian of the site true and so is SPM, the tell here is their use of imagery to get a laugh. We are very, very close if not right on.

All three are conservative predominantly in their posts as well, which gets into probability. I know how to prove it beyond doubt, but don't have the will or time to go into it now. If we don't get consensus on this thesis, I will offer a way to prove it for anyone who wants to go and research it. I am just doing this for the introduction of the topic, as many have speculated on it. I know there is someone who can take this information, combine it with their own insights and can solve it for us. I think we got 'em.

What do you think Brad; GCJ; SPM ( I bet his, "My dear male peasant..." will be good on this)?

votes: GCJ is SPM: 1 yea, 1 probable
GCJ is Brad: 1 yea, 1 nay
SPM is Brad: 1 yea, 1 nay
Brad is all 3: 1 yea, 1 nay

on Mar 18, 2004
Having read most of Sir Peter's "work", I think it's clear that the writer is British. The spelling, the vocab, the cultural references, all point to a Brit.
on Mar 18, 2004
Considering that I can see IP addresses.....I think you should go back to looking for the black helicopters
on Mar 18, 2004
Not necessarily true. He called his mom, 'mother', which is more likely mum(mom) in Britain, for example. I invite analysis of his words but won't do so myself. I know someone has observed slips in his speech also and can address this issue for us. He may be well versed in the British culture, having studied or lived there as a youth, or been raised in such a home here in the States.

Then again maybe GCJ (I'll go look at a blog where he may have told of his moniker and see what 'Gem City' means to him) is British too. He does have the intellectual sense of humor that goes over an American's head. Maybe that GCJ is SPM is correct, and that Brad is neither is also correct, as Dan said. I just think the most recent SPM post gives us enough to figger it out now.

Surely you don't for a moment think SPM is a real person do you? I mean he's obviously a fictional personality who regales us with tales of wife spanking and whipping. No one would truly admit such and expect to be taken respectfully. You are just saying he is British if he exists at all, right?

Look at the commonality of all three using gifs and jpegs in their posts. Very few of us do this. It is another tell of the thesis that all three are the same person. I don't think a true Brit would slander and make such a mockery of his heritage as SPM does. No, I think he's able to get by on his Britishisms but is not British, more likely a Canadian who is having the Brits on. We do know Brad is in America NOW and in D.C. as he has told us as much. Whether he's British I'd bet but don't know, his admission of arrogance and snobbery not withstanding.

I give you the 'insightful' for this and thanks for the input.
on Mar 18, 2004
No, of course he's not real, I'm saying the blogger is British.

"I don't think a true Brit would slander and make such a mockery of his heritage as SPM does."

British people, especially the young, are very open to mocking the aristocracy, royal family, imperialist past. Anyway, I'm going to read a few of his blogs again to see if anything doesn't ring true.
on Mar 18, 2004
He called his mom, 'mother', which is more likely mum(mom) in Britain, for example

Nope not neccessarily true. A lot of British upper class call their Mum 'Mother' instead of 'Mum'. Having spoken to him off JoeU as well as on I have yet to see the facade slip even the tiniest. Being British myself, I have to say that I think he's British..and I think that his IP address will show you that he is.

Do I think GCJ and Brad are one and the same...hmmmm.......yes, I think you might be onto some thingthere.
on Mar 18, 2004
Wahk. I'm with you on this one. I don't want to be but I see what you mean and I think you could be on to something. But then why would GemCityJoe say that I am Sir Peter Maxwell? Maybe he was trying to cover himself up but I don't know. Do you have any way of explaining that to me? I want to believe you but I don't. I just need a little more evidence.
By the way. Why haven't GCJ and SPM been responding to their ususal type of blogs? Am I just missing the one's that they do reply to or are they truly just not responding much lately?
One more thing. I tried out your statement on how the points rise even when you troll... You were wrong on that aproach.

Capt. over and out! ™
on Mar 18, 2004
That is the easy way to solve it for us. I wish I could see them myself and use it, as it puts it to bed. i just have heard so many speculate on it, I think we have enough info to solve it now.

HEY! anyway, who's to say you aren't Brad too? (Brad can see the IP's also) You have an e-mail with stardock where Brad works, have been here since it started, and could be involved in it as well. Hmmm. Check her keychain for a helicopter key.

The conspiracy can only deepen by such holdings from the company and owners of the site, ha,ha, ha... We might be on to something here for the 'Karma Girl' to join in and say nay.
on Mar 18, 2004

SPM *is* in the UK

Brad is not in D.C.   Why would he live in D.C. if Stardock is based in Michigan?

GCJ = Brad?  hehehehe... that's a stretch.

on Mar 18, 2004
Capt: I didn't say they'd rise if trolled, I said the opposite, they'd decrease if they were trolled, so GCJ did not get his increase by one of us. None of us could get 1,000 points added to our blog overnight. BUT an owner could do it.
on Mar 18, 2004

Yes, I am Brad.  Better let my husband and daughter know.  Or the other couple dozen + people who work at Stardock.  And, *my* picture looks nothing like Brad's, so how do you explain that?  Or, is it all an elaborate cover-up and Brad is actually *everyone* except you?  Maybe you are on Candid Camera, WA

on Mar 18, 2004
WA, anyone could get that many points overnight.  "Insightful" adds more points, more views adds more points, being a "featured" adds more points, more responses add more points......
on Mar 18, 2004
Karma Girl: Because Brad told he was in D.C. till June or July, if memory serves me rightly. I agree Brad has a sense of humor only he knows of, but this would be common to a person who would use a alternate personality; especially one such as GCJ. GCJ and Brad have to have some relationship for the 1&2 ranking they have had no matter who tries to penetrate it. Maybe co-owners or relatives, I don't know for sure. I just think we got em if we use the information now available.
on Mar 18, 2004
Or maybe our entire existence is some Matrix-like illusion

I read a few of his blogs, nothing amiss. Sir Peter, whoever you are, USE PARAGRAPHS!
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